
There seems to be an epidemic of this these days, though especially concentrated over Girls.

A draft of the shipper video post? I'm pretty sure that I never progressed beyond making a mental note to add it to the site at some point; that must have been some other draft you saw. I did however make a post for glazomania's pairing post the other day.  I too am proud of the image I put up, because I made it all

I'm just a sucker for Jeff-Abed stories. And even though I don't eat that much meat, it makes me dream of chicken fingers every time.

I wasn't talking about moral relativism!

Well, this answers my question, "Can vicksisamonster be unreasonably pissy about every conceivable thing,  no matter how trivial?" The answer, of course, is a resounding yes.

And yet you doubled your time-sink to come here and comment about it.

I saw but one movie this weekend, Bill Cunningham New York, which was charming and awesome largely because Bill Cunningham is charming and awesome, and there is much to admire in his attitude and lifestyle and modesty and work ethic and joyousness, etc. etc. etc.. What a fascinating, inspirational guy.

I, too, prefer CAP to MW (7 vs. 13).

Cool, looks good. How'd you do it?

Can you just add the dimensions to the IMG code?

Malkovich? Malkovich Malkovich (Malkovich).

I think so, because we can go to yours and Capt's profiles to see the dates that the posts were left and then estimate which page they're on. Also it's super helpful if we ever have to go back to the reviews for whatever reason since Lloyd already recorded the exact page number.

Your threshold for having a life is alarmingly low. And to think you're trying to conduct an intervention in our lives. I mean, it's almost kind of adorable.

If getting a life entails going onto message boards of things I don't enjoy and being belligerent about said things and the people who have the gall to enjoy them, then thanks, but I'll pass.

I'd say most people have never heard of Community and gauging a thing's value by how many people are watching it is still one of the absolute stupidest things ever.

It's so lonely to be that one person who TOTALLY GETS IT when everyone around you is, like, pretending to like something, and they're so wrong, and you keep telling them to stop wasting their lives, unlike you, but they don't even listen. I feel for that guy.

Lisa, never, EVER stop in the middle of a hoe-down!

You are both a real human being and a real hero.

The way many Canadians say "sorry" stands out to me more than the way they say the famed "about."
