
Thanks for the rec! I'll add it to my queue.

It was. Yeah, I know. But what can I say? There are a lot of great movies out there but tragically, no one has yet offered to may me to watch them all day (jerks).

I'll echo what some of the others have said and say once upon a time, I was the lukewarm girlfriend being introduced to Lebowski. Now of course I have my head on straight and I love it.

I had originally only intended to watch episode 2 to keep up with the reviews, but I had finished season 2 by the end of the next day.

Not a ton this weekend.

It's okay, Birdie, you don't really have to explain yourselves.

Yeah, it's the whole season.

Knowledge at your fingertips, man. 
Well, Birdie and Bongos, what do you guys have to say for yourselves?

Is it a free account? There may be a limit. In my drop down I have an option to use the original size.

I saw this earlier; it's terrible. :(



This all happened because I left early.

Cool, I could never remember time expressions very well and had a feeling I wasn't quite using that right…

Tack! Jag bodde i Stockholm för en lite stund med min dåvarande pojkvän och studerade på SFI. Jag älskade Sverige och vill gärna åka tillbaka någon gång. 

En gång var jag en, uh, aspiring svensk…. Nuförtiden ar min svenska ganska, uh, rusty> rustig men jag känner mig som en honorärsvensk* ändå.

Ingen aning.

Sweden…down South America way.

Awww, eff. Are the GIFs legible, at least? If so, I suppose we don't have much choice but to ugly the shit up for the huge posts — there aren't too many of those, I would imagine — and wait until/if Seffina ever comes back to do something better.

New theory: Birdie is Keyboard Cat reincarnated. (I think that cat is dead now, anyway.)