I'm already watching Frajer, sorry. THIS SHIP HAS SAILED
I'm already watching Frajer, sorry. THIS SHIP HAS SAILED
Not "after" but "because"!
That's Phrasing!ology 101 and it didn't even occur to me.
Why, is it because everyone's either staring at you or petting your face in rapt confusion?
No, grabby hands, I'm afraid you're going to have to get ahold of that one through other means.
@avclub-16b30c64f09d2a66b1ff9c086efb9c45:disqus It's that old adage, vlog what you know.
NOT-ACTUALLY-FUN-BUT-RATHER-RELATED FUN REBECCA FACT: My mom and dad just dropped something off at my apartment and were briefly touring the things that have changed since they were there last and I had a copy of Rebecca sitting on my dresser and I hope my mom didn't notice it because that's going to be her birthday…
Sidenote: look for my truly innovative and revolutionary upcoming how-to video series featuring such titles as "How to help your guy lose his boner good and fast."
More tutorials: "How to kiss to turn a guy on"
I like Grace's really stoic twerking as she waits for her weird baking/cooking adventures to bake/cook.
I was going to start watching it since it's going away from Netflix in a couple days, but the pilot didn't immediately grab me, certainly not enough to mainline four thousand episodes in two days.
Hey, I said one of those things!
I fucking hate it when I'm walking down the street and out of nowhere I just get assaulted by this random attack of 30 Rock. Why can't it just go away already!
"I'm like/She's like/He's like/It was like" are quotatives. They're discourse markers that basically function like oral quotation marks that introduce reported speech or thought. You seem to be entirely confused about what's being communicated here. "It was, ‘There’s no way I’m doing another one-hour drama—it’s going…
No, thank you.
(Sorry, that got heated.)
"I try to generate authentic emotional power"
Novelized Hallmark cards evoke certain kinds of emotion, yes. Boredom, for instance. This guy is stunningly delusional about his own work, or at leas very good at acting like it.
It's Friday, Friday