
"Cartoons are cartoons, you fucking morons."

Me neither!!!

Such decisions are never wrong. Don Draper is why I drink Canadian Club!

Can't she be doing both?

God, so much worse. McCartney and his bobble-headed inanities can only dream of such a noxious blend of sentimentality and pandering that is The Christmas Shoes.

Can't see Reid as a top.

Can't see Reid as a top.

I always think it's Elijah Wood at first. It's the teeth. And the sweet, dippy look.

I always think it's Elijah Wood at first. It's the teeth. And the sweet, dippy look.

If only they'd all cracked a smile for this photo, we could have counted and known for sure!

If only they'd all cracked a smile for this photo, we could have counted and known for sure!

The whole movie's on YouTube? That's the first real Christmas miracle since the original.

I don't have a horse in this race. I just use cats for both.

But there WON'T be snow in Africa this Christmas time! There WON'T be! Oh my god, it's so true. sobs

Hurrah, and welcome! How was your soul-rezoning?!

The Christmas Shoes: worst Christmas song of all time, or SWEET MOTHERFUCKING FUCK KILL IT WITH FIRE worst Christmas song of all time?

I have. Bathed in a shining light, it was.



I thought Andrew W.K.'s answers were a little tired and overrated. Yeah, chirping twin baby birds might be the best thing you've heard all year — if you haven't heard the gentle bleat of a baby goat quaver a soft melody. Now that really touches me deep in my party soul.