Definitely the hot air balloon with saffron. Saffron smells so good. If I could ever come down from the balloon, I would stuff my shirt and pockets full of saffron and always have some on hand to bake with. Some people might say, if you love saffron so much, why don't you take the Ferrari/diamond option, and then sell…
I finally sent back this stupid Danish movie from Netflix that I've had since the end of August. I haven't sent it back for so long because its envelope was the one I erroneously sent one of my personal DVDs back in. (The DVD, tragically, was never returned to me.) And I couldn't send it back with any of my mom's…
I wonder if they're Redskins fans.
Hey Todd! We sacrificed a goat for you.
Christmas markets in Germany!!! I'm so jealous I want to murder you.
Probably tomorrow, too tired tonight :(
See there isn't even a doll, or rather there is, but I believe it's my mom's, and I don't know how the hell I ended up with the bonnet, and I wanted to get rid of it, but I'm not sure if for instance this is a very precious doll of my mother's like great great aunt Idelia had it or something so I have to at least…
Whiskey tango foxtrot, Roobles.
Oh, but now my kitten has found the doll bonnet and is frolicking in simple kitten joy again. Now I'm laughing!!!
Watching A Separation and crying one thousand tears of sorrow
Good thing Community's humor doesn't rely solely on quick dialogue reversals, then.
Good thing Community's humor doesn't rely solely on quick dialogue reversals, then.
Mmmm, tasty sentence mortar.
Mmmm, tasty sentence mortar.
Greendale is Where I Belong
Cleanest Face Ever: The Jeff Winger Story
Donut Sampling for Beginners
I don't know; cliffhangers to me imply questions of a more immediate nature (i.e. "who shot J.R?", extreme as that may be). Let's hope they really do just mean open-ended fates.
If it were a Lifetime Moment of Truth movie circa 1997: "I Choose Shorts: The Jeff Wing Story"
Introduction to Amphibian Forensics