super nintendo chalmers

It's an insult to his adopted parents. Anyone can be a sperm or egg donor. It takes a real man or woman to be a parent.

Joffrey Baratheon is more likable than anyone else left. The same goes for Ramsey Bolton.

Excellent point. It would have been a much better plan for him. It wouldn't have come across as a dickish move. The way he did it gave her false hope, and it would have accomplished the same thing he wanted to with the added benefit of probably sending Tyler home.

Slight OT but has there ever been a musclebound guy that sucked as much at challenges as Rodney (last night's not withstanding)?

I would have respected him more for doing that. He's no Tony so his whipping out the HII came out as a dick move IMO.

Not likable but rather least Unlikable.

Is it legal in gameplay to steal someone's HII and use it for your own benefit?

Tony was a kinder, gentler Russell Hanz. He engineered a bunch of idiots into voting against their self interest but did it in a way that it was perceived as a big move and the jury members never held it against him.

Can you say Jury Nullification?

Lex might have won had he not wigged out.

He could, at minimum, make the final 4 since he revealed to all that he has a HII. That is unless he fails to win regular immunity, and everyone else constructs a ruse where Mike thinks they are voting him out, forcing him to waste his HII, when they intended to vote for someone else all along. It might work only

My take on the ruse by Mike was:

Which proves you don't even know how to Google properly. SMH.

The Hooly ruse is thin self-serving gruel. I forget the name of the former PP dork (the guy from The Intern) but any lawyer would be able to find out he was promoted AFTER Hooli filed the lawsuit.

I'm starting to think he wasn't hard when he was about to rape Claire. And if he did get it up that he would have anally raped her. I think BJ is scared of women's lady parts.

Can you woman 'splain what I said that was misogynist. I'm willing to apologize if you can specifically find an example.

Do I have to explain the fucking internets to you?SMH. Even GWB knew how to "do the Google."

One woman being insufferable to another woman is now considered misogyny. Who are you, Rodney?

Probably the Sandhurst trial and also investigation into Sharon's son's case.

Except there is the confessions or half confessions of the trio. You can discount his version of Claire's story BUT Gillespie admitted where he buried Pepper and Lee also implicated her. Even if, you discount Lee's version, Nick still would be guilty. Also, no beating of the suspect caught on tape and witnessed by