Asuka Rangure Soryu

I would say it is objectively better to allow too many stupid debates than the alternative. The worst thing too many voices allowed to speak leads to is like, Occupy Wall Street, where no one ever ends up coalescing a real mission and it sort of fizzles. The worst thing too few voices allowed to speak leads to is


I don't know British TV, is ITV one of the networks where you can dump out the twins or not

Yea these are all too high resolution and have a true color depth that could not be achieved on classic 90s consoles, and the backgrounds look more layered and complex than even Symphony of the Night on playstation. They're much better representations of the "2010s iphone pixel art game" aesthetic

Good thing this posted on 9/11 so SJWs are distracted from Blaming America First on this solemn day of loss and mourning…

So did they go with the meth factory exploding and choking everyone with smoke, until the appeal to the compassion of a leatherfaced alien child gets him to put away his toy and saves the town?

yes it's worth getting upset about insofar as anything is worth being upset about. children don't have to like shitty music, and it's incredibly condescending to excuse something from criticism because it's aimed at them. you are the parent sitting their kid down in front of the TV with a jug of coke they chug until

"hmm so bono thinks he'll have the biggest mainstream rock act to ever earn vitriol from doing an ironic disco sing? not on my watch!"
-chaz krogar

im not sure whether you're saying happy or blurred lines is a well crafted pop hit but it doesn't matter because they're both not for the same reason. they sound like real solid premises for a song that never had the other half of the song written so they just go into a death spiral of repetition unmatched since like,

yea you'd think children's programmers would be extra careful with whom they chose to associate so soon after Bella-and-the-Bulldogs-cuckoldgate…

it gets good mileage in theory, but in the real world, i can't help but feel the listed numbers don't match up…

yea the biggest problem is the folks that do this sort of thing rush into it and don't spend the same sort of time refining themselves against counterarguments that the sociological experts they are citing or using rhetorical techniques from have to put in to making their serious points. the tumbl/twitter crew just

my favorite thing is just to imagine leonard cohen putting as little effort into the song as the rest of the people working on this season and singing that over the real lyrics to myself

Still better than Lena Dunhams

Enough concept art! Your teams interesting designs are not the problem blomkamp! Just give us a story that works, with competent acting, and I don't care if the xenomorphs are interpretive dancers in black sweats and wal mart masks

The collapse of Jezebel from the Anna Holmes days to the current rotting dog doo state of affairs is one of the saddest internet things

Nostalgic sure, but actually watching any of them is a stark reminder that kids on average were never extreme or cool as Viacom promised us we were =P

*normal track stops*
I am not a nut! I'm professor Vink! That's Vink with a v-v-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
*transitions into the fattest nastiest drop you ever heard*

They thought they were brave and important but couldn't vote for the gay cowboy thing, that was the ridiculous thing