Work at a movie theater. Caught the last twenty minutes of it. It's a shit, interminable action scene, except the one liners are knowingly ironic.
Work at a movie theater. Caught the last twenty minutes of it. It's a shit, interminable action scene, except the one liners are knowingly ironic.
I'll accept needless padding in a superhero film if it comes in the form of Civil War's airport battle.
Age of Ultron is a mess. But it's a big ole fun mess, very comic-book-silly. I've liked it more on re-watches than I did in the theater. Probably a testament to the success of the MCU is that my favorite sequence in it is just all of the series' protagonists shooting the shit at a party for a while.
The Maeby episode, surprisingly, might have been the strongest one. At least that's what I remember four-years-ago me thinking.
Look, all I know is that Wally scene had me laughing harder than any show has in recent memory. That's by no means a dis towards recent comedies, there's some solid gold airing right now. But Wally Brando had tears streaming down my face. The whole scene just got me. I had to pause it afterwards to recuperate. The…
After the opening title crawl, cut to a purple-haired Laura Dern, with a full-on rictus smile, horribly and slowly approaching the screen, as we the audience are incapable of escaping.
Direct quote from a Mulholland Drive review?
Haven't seen a movie from one of my "big'n, life long" franchises in so long that washed over me so much. This movie ain't bad, but Christ is it bland. Frustratingly so. There's a pretty solid setpiece just under half-way through that's the easy highlight, and the rest of the movie is completely devoid of personality…
Lars is, what, 18? Not uncommon for 18-year-olds to be jerks, and to be confused, and insecure, and just not have their shit together. I've always liked the depiction of Lars on this show. I tend to root for him, and he often disappoints me. Very human.
D'ya like dags? (I didn't read the review)
Or Stakar Ogord and Skurge, if we want to keep it all tidy in the MCU.
I honestly have no idea what the quality level for that show is. It could be great. As for the source material, I know the character well from Sandman, but have never read his spinoff series. But "Lucifer comes to Earth and solves crimes" is honestly the funniest premise for a show currently airing, and not really in…
"Who is this Judge Dredd everyone's talking about?"
Dredd kicks thought a door, screams "I AM THE LAW!", enter main titles.
I AMDELAWW!- me, doing a Sylvester Stallone impression for bored people at a party, 2017
Catherine Zeta Jones has just announced that she's bipolar! Half the time she's deliriously happy, the other half she has to suck an old man's cock.
I don't know much about geopolitics…but that's a really cool name for a country, Chad.
My favorite thing Norm ever said and maybe my favorite joke ever, not 100% verbatim: "I've been working on my ventriloquism act, but I've been having a lot of trouble with my old man character, Alex McJefferson, the virulent anti-Semite. He's a holocaust denier, that's no secret. He's an enthusiastic holocaust denier,…
Oh yeah? Well you fight like a cow!
I love that artwork. Those crazy creepy "realistic" versions of the band are awesome. I deny your snark!
I bought Humanz on CD and it was the first goddamn CD I had bought in years. It was a nostalgic experience. I shan't be buying this crazy expensive shit, though I will ogle pictures of it online and mostly likely locate those extra tracks at a later date.