
I like the Goron race, actually. Didn't nail it first try on my first playthrough back in the day, but I loved it because I found it so difficult at first, and then mastered it over three or four more tries. That's good game design. Never have trouble with it on replays now, actually enjoy it.

Yeah, I'd only count the first one as a "traditional" 3D platformer, if that makes sense. But you've actually just made me realize that the zoomer sections in Jak and Daxter were actually pretty solid, so…. But yeah I agree, the driving in Jak 3 was good because the game was designed around it. Racing sections through

Played the new Ratchet and Clank last weekend. Had completely forgotten about the hover board sections in the original, and was shocked that the developers thought it was a good idea to put them into the remake. In fact, as someone who grew up inhaling any 3D platformer that I could, I don't think I've ever been happy

Fantastic review. But just to let people know, if you have developed any sort of emotional attachment to these characters over the last eight years of continuity-fueled Marvel movies, then the final showdown of this one is far more affecting than the review suggests.

My main take away: new Steven Universe in two weeks instead of two months. Day made.

Still coming, apparently. At least a pilot anyway. Same with the Mockingbird and Lance Hunter spinoff, Most Wanted. And there's a full series order for Cloak and Dagger. So much Marvel shit coming.

Clicked into this article thinking "Please be playing a lobstrosity, please be playing a lobstrosity…"

I actually tend to find that my favorite Game Grumps moments come from when they're focused on the game they're playing and derive humor from what we're seeing on screen, rather their random chit chat, which ranges from genuinely hilarious all the way down to completely unwatchable.

Yep. He also gave a homeless guy a wad of cash outside it in the last season.

I think Steven Universe's story and world has enough steam to go on longer than Gravity Falls, and, personally, I'd quite like it to.

Yeah, he wrote a forward for one of the books and everything.

Patrick Stewert for Spider Jerusalem. He's stated before he laments never getting to play him since he's a huge fan of Transmetropolitan.

I remember watching a bit of that rom-com Teller was in with Zac Efron and thinking that he just had the most punchable face in the world. Then I heard he was cast as Reed Richards, which I felt was the cherry on top of all the bad creative decisions in the new Fantastic Four. Then I finally got around to watching

"It was a big rock…"

He brands his insignia on a criminal so that the criminal will get murdered in prison? The absolute fuck is that?!

And Nick Fury, of course.

I agree. That was the point. Castle put him in a position of his own devising and Murdock managed to Daredevil his way out of it through thick and thin.

I think there's a hell of a lot of steam in the pre-Saul plotline, as well a potential "Saul Goodman, but before Breaking Bad" timeframe. But I really have to admit that a post Breaking Bad time jump would make me one happy camper nonetheless.

Daredevil will maybe be trying to deal with this whole Yakuza/Hand thing in his own Matt Murdoky way while in an uneasy alliance with Elekra, who has hidden agendas and goals, and contending with the Punisher, who has more or less the same goals of protecting Hell's Kitchen as Daredevil, but wholly contrasted methods.

God, they really nuked the fridge on this call.