
So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

So glad the girl in the butcher shop didn't die. So incredibly glad.

Really clutching for those Walking Dead page views.

I…I really enjoy Suck My Kiss.

Small note: Charlie is Bear's son, not Otto's. Otto's grandson.

If the fandango in question isn't grim I ain't interested.

Still waiting for the day when the entire world collectively realizes that Stephen Merchant is a goddamn treasure. Gervais's Derek might be proof that Merchant's influence in making the Office one of the greatest TV shows ever and Extras one of funniest was bigger than previously thought. Add to that his often unsung

Na, that was the other guy. The angry doctor from ER.

Nuts to that noise. It's silly and fun and catchy as hell and Thunderchild fucking rocks and in live shows of it a big-ass tripod alien gets lowered onto the stage and shoots laser lights at you in sync with the music. It's all very ridiculous and I love it.

That is the most awesome thing ever. On mainstream broadcasting. Little emotional…

I was the one who suggested "the celebrity crush" question back whenever, and it makes me perhaps unjustifiably happy every time I read one of these articles about an actor I admire and get a pretty inconsequential yet sweet insight into an aspect of their younger selves.

Anyone else instinctively read this comment with the two names rhyming? Skel-e-tore and Pred-e-tore.