Would Singapore be Dorne then?
Would Singapore be Dorne then?
Or like the occasional Asian fascination with the whole teeming mass of self-destruction that is American politics
Weirdly, the scene where his family died was the weakest scene in the movie for me. Fassbender is such a fantastic actor and they really dropped the ball with the way it was edited, making it melodramatic and cheesy and cringeworthy.
I think it's quite apparent that Berlanti overstretched himself as a showrunner this past season, given how awful all four shows (Supergirl narrowly redeemed by Benoist, I think, but still) have been.
God damn we are old.
"Bitchy teenager with chip on shoulder…getting a LOT better"=basically Thea Queen's arc, innit?
Why are we still trying to make sense out of the Arrowverse's time travel at this point, after the absolute clusterfuck that was Legends of Tomorrow's "kidnap-the-team-as-kids" side plot? Once I made it through that episode I just accepted the truth: that the time stream is the massive piss Berlanti is taking.
Now I wonder what other devices GoT is gonna steal from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Still not as on the nose as Agents of Shield having Lincoln literally die for everyone else while staring at a cross necklace!
Really wish this show at least made some mention of Kilgrave :/
I pounded my table in glee.
Mako from Korra would like in on that club.
ResPerfect segue into a Marvel 1602-esque crossover.
Agent Poopybutthole!
"It all started when I was a barista in Central City…"
I don't know, getting peed on is generally quite irksome.
Bernie Sparrow, you mean?
That's a great perspective. I would love to read a more detailed meta on online outrage culture, if you ever have the time to write it. And no, this comment was not written in Chandlervoice.
Right on. Jesus, it frustrates me so much. Look, I'm Asian, I live in Asia, I eat rice every day for dinner, Chinese is my first language, I have skin so yellow I'm basically a Simpson and eyes so slitty I could be blindfolded with a string, and I just have to say—America, grow up. This knee-jerk oppressive approach…
So they've gone with the same "mind-control-as-pathogen" thing twice in the MCU now. Wonder if there's a relation?