What about The Simpsons after the Eagles lost to Patriots and we learned what Comic Book Guy's real name is?
What about The Simpsons after the Eagles lost to Patriots and we learned what Comic Book Guy's real name is?
Celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small part of it.
Mattingly, trim those side burns!!
Chicken pot, chicken pot pie!
I finally watched Se7en and found out exactly "What's in the Box".
I'm having some trouble with the government.
"I can’t imagine an attack like this one blows over without major management shake-ups."
The preview for next week was about the people on the bus to D.C. So how long before we get back to this storyline?
I noticed that Tara referred to herself being with "The Governor." Did he ever refer to himself as "The Governor" with that group though? He was just some guy wandering around when they met him.
As Howard Stern once asked, "Would you rather your son be gay, or a Brony?"
Do you think the adults all crowded around the tv eating cereal was pointing to the fact that this past weekend was the first time in 50 years that no Saturday morning cartoons were on broadcast television?
Howard Stern requested it when Hader was on his show this week. Pretty sure we're going to see that puppet again.
I'll just shoot Hitler from the window this time.
"Hey, this is a private residence, man."
This season's "wake the bitch up" was best "Jack doesn't give a fuck" line yet.
I don't like you… Jerkoff.
It's still a crime that the Jeselnik Offensive was cancelled.
You get back in that grave before you get my foot in your ass!!
There's no way the "scientist" knows a damn thing. The guy is obviously a moron, seeing as he's survived this long, but has no idea how to operate a rifle. He's been completely dependent on others to keep him alive. He's probably the type of person that believes they are smarter than others, like an Engineer or…