Orthodox Space Jew

They expire at the end of December, unless the lame duck Congress extends them. (Which I highly doubt will happen. The backstabbing between bellicose far-right Republican members of the House, more moderate Republican Senators, the Democratic leaders in the Senate and President Obama make the Survivor tribe look like

Still, RC's going to be on the jury. If by some fluke an Abi-Pete team wind up on the final three, I'd like to hope RC uses her brains to not vote for them.

Still, RC's going to be on the jury. If by some fluke an Abi-Pete team wind up on the final three, I'd like to hope RC uses her brains to not vote for them.

She's also going to be forced to participate in challenges from now on. She can't continue to ride on Tandang's coattails. Say what you will about RC's pathetic social gameplay, she contributed to several of Tandang's victories in challenges.

She's also going to be forced to participate in challenges from now on. She can't continue to ride on Tandang's coattails. Say what you will about RC's pathetic social gameplay, she contributed to several of Tandang's victories in challenges.

Malcolm is going to protect Denise as long as possible. His alliance is with her, not with Abi-Artis-Pete-Lisa.

Malcolm is going to protect Denise as long as possible. His alliance is with her, not with Abi-Artis-Pete-Lisa.

Carter seems to have fallen victim to indifferent editing. He has a bland face, he is rather shy and the extroverts on Kalabaw (Penner, Kent, Dawson and Katie) overshadowed him. Unlike Lisa he was never a famous child star on a hit sitcom in the '80's, and unlike the other introvert on Kalabaw there was nothing to

Carter seems to have fallen victim to indifferent editing. He has a bland face, he is rather shy and the extroverts on Kalabaw (Penner, Kent, Dawson and Katie) overshadowed him. Unlike Lisa he was never a famous child star on a hit sitcom in the '80's, and unlike the other introvert on Kalabaw there was nothing to

Birds can eat uncooked rice without any problems because their digestive system doesn't resemble a human digestive system. A bird's gizzard will allow it to grind up seeds, kernels and other hard plant-based foods before they are passed into the bird's stomache for the acid to break it apart.

Birds can eat uncooked rice without any problems because their digestive system doesn't resemble a human digestive system. A bird's gizzard will allow it to grind up seeds, kernels and other hard plant-based foods before they are passed into the bird's stomache for the acid to break it apart.

@avclub-fd618c6be7327c1e01499f3f758fc26c:disqus Lisa does okay in the social game, but it seems clear to me that this is not her strongest point in the game and she knows it. She has self-esteem issues that are hindering her, but she's managed to not draw attention to them by trying to fly under the radar. The good

@avclub-fd618c6be7327c1e01499f3f758fc26c:disqus Lisa does okay in the social game, but it seems clear to me that this is not her strongest point in the game and she knows it. She has self-esteem issues that are hindering her, but she's managed to not draw attention to them by trying to fly under the radar. The good

If Denise can avoid being voted out by the men of Kalabaw before the merge, she has a very good chance of making it to the end-game. It really depends on when the merge will be, next week's episode or in two weeks and on whether Kalabaw can turn their misfortune around.

If Denise can avoid being voted out by the men of Kalabaw before the merge, she has a very good chance of making it to the end-game. It really depends on when the merge will be, next week's episode or in two weeks and on whether Kalabaw can turn their misfortune around.

When it came to the Challenges in tonight's episode, Lisa really pulled her weight. Combined with Malcolm's great lacrosse skills and the fact that Kalabaw was suffering from lack of proper resource management skills, gave Tandang another win. Lisa has been excelling at every area except the social game, and even

When it came to the Challenges in tonight's episode, Lisa really pulled her weight. Combined with Malcolm's great lacrosse skills and the fact that Kalabaw was suffering from lack of proper resource management skills, gave Tandang another win. Lisa has been excelling at every area except the social game, and even

Which version? The Silver Age Superman and the Post-Crisis Superman were not vigilantes. In fact therere's a Siver Age story where the whole point of the two-bit criminal's scheme is to trick Superman into committing  a misdemeanor so the criminal can commit a major burglary while Superman spends a night in jail. The

Which version? The Silver Age Superman and the Post-Crisis Superman were not vigilantes. In fact therere's a Siver Age story where the whole point of the two-bit criminal's scheme is to trick Superman into committing  a misdemeanor so the criminal can commit a major burglary while Superman spends a night in jail. The

@avclub-e745a6bad4ffe5a1b35aac134ea148c7:disqus He learned Mandarin during the five years he spent on the island. He wasn't alone that whole time; see the final five minutes of the second episode, after he finished burying his father under a cairn. Also see the easter egg in the pilot, while the Chinese fisherman are