Orthodox Space Jew

IMO Pete is a really poor judge of character. Between allying with Abi while she was in the middle of one her temper tantrums a few episodes, to blurting out that he has the Hidden Immunity Idol to Malcolm, he is far too trusting. Compare Pete's behavior to Malcolm's poker face during their conversation; Malcolm is

Abi is one of most annoying players I've ever seen in this game. She is temperamental, prone to take offense at imagined slights and worst of all she sits out challenges for no good reason. Tandang has a good group when it comes to challenges, including Skupin, Peter, Artis, RC, Lisa and now Malcom. Abi however adds

Abi is one of most annoying players I've ever seen in this game. She is temperamental, prone to take offense at imagined slights and worst of all she sits out challenges for no good reason. Tandang has a good group when it comes to challenges, including Skupin, Peter, Artis, RC, Lisa and now Malcom. Abi however adds

I'm no doctor, but it seemed like she had a virus or other infection of some sort. The field medic didn't seem to think it was life threatening and was okay with her staying in the game for another 24 hours. I found that surprising, given the lack of shelter and heavy rain. Supposing that she had caught a mild stomach

I'm no doctor, but it seemed like she had a virus or other infection of some sort. The field medic didn't seem to think it was life threatening and was okay with her staying in the game for another 24 hours. I found that surprising, given the lack of shelter and heavy rain. Supposing that she had caught a mild stomach

@avclub-093fcb36a960fb0375d1705c87cdb84f:disqus Until a few months ago Boomerang, CN's rerun sister channel, was airing reruns of "Teen Titans". In any event, both CN and DC Comics are all property of the Time Warner juggernaut, the same way that the Disney Channel and Spider-Man are owned by, well Disney. Unlike

@avclub-093fcb36a960fb0375d1705c87cdb84f:disqus Until a few months ago Boomerang, CN's rerun sister channel, was airing reruns of "Teen Titans". In any event, both CN and DC Comics are all property of the Time Warner juggernaut, the same way that the Disney Channel and Spider-Man are owned by, well Disney. Unlike

I also set my DVR to record GL:TAS and YJ on Sunday morning. When I saw that it had mysteriously recorded reruns of "Johnny Test" I deleted both episodes in disgust. I'm not going to try to read the minds of the CN executives who are delaying the airing of new DC Nation episodes, but couldn't they have replaced them

I also set my DVR to record GL:TAS and YJ on Sunday morning. When I saw that it had mysteriously recorded reruns of "Johnny Test" I deleted both episodes in disgust. I'm not going to try to read the minds of the CN executives who are delaying the airing of new DC Nation episodes, but couldn't they have replaced them

I'm surprised you didn't mention Russell's meltdown after they lost the challenge. That was both intense and disturbing, on multiple levels. From grabbing and breaking the last urn of rice, to his screaming at the Heavens like he was Job, Russell was completely out of control. To me it felt a lot more intrusive to

I'm surprised you didn't mention Russell's meltdown after they lost the challenge. That was both intense and disturbing, on multiple levels. From grabbing and breaking the last urn of rice, to his screaming at the Heavens like he was Job, Russell was completely out of control. To me it felt a lot more intrusive to

Ah, but can the gorilla also play an organ?

Ah, but can the gorilla also play an organ?

Oliver, you need to rewrite the second sentence in the first paragraph! The Axis powers were Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan, and Wonder Woman fought against them in her WWII adventures!

Oliver, you need to rewrite the second sentence in the first paragraph! The Axis powers were Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan, and Wonder Woman fought against them in her WWII adventures!

Doesn't he mean the spirit of 1936? You know, when Nazi Germany actually hosted the Olympics? Twice?

Doesn't he mean the spirit of 1936? You know, when Nazi Germany actually hosted the Olympics? Twice?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus and his sailors stop on an island inhabited by Cyclopes, including one named Polyphemus, who locked them in his cave. Polyphemus asked for the name of the Ithacan he had captured, and Odysseus replied, my name is "Nemo", Greek for "No One". When Odysseus later blinds Polyphemus so he and his

In the Odyssey, Odysseus and his sailors stop on an island inhabited by Cyclopes, including one named Polyphemus, who locked them in his cave. Polyphemus asked for the name of the Ithacan he had captured, and Odysseus replied, my name is "Nemo", Greek for "No One". When Odysseus later blinds Polyphemus so he and his

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus Thanks for the heads up! I'm definitely going to buy a copy of Daredevil #11 (probably on Comixology) after seeing this. And Waid is right, while a tragedy might help motivate someone to become a hero (or a cop, firefighter, soldier, social worker, public defender or