The Ghost of Michael Jackson

If it's OK with you, I'm going to use this when I try to explain why HoL sucks balls.

If it's OK with you, I'm going to use this when I try to explain why HoL sucks balls.

The man is full of sliders! Have you seen him? He's huge.

The man is full of sliders! Have you seen him? He's huge.

Down with gimmick posters!

Pop music is inherently disposable. It's meant to be listened to, enjoyed, and discarded. Take a look at the pop charts from five years ago. You probably don't even know half the names. Skinny girls shaking their booties to manufactured beats won't go away anytime soon. Only the names'll change.

"I do wish the tide would turn on this "I make shitty music, but look at my costume and/or tits!" trend that's taking over radio at the moment. You can't HEAR tits, so there's no reason for playing Katy Perry on the radio! "

I loved gerbils when I was still alive.


Hee Hee!

1-4 - Hee hee
5 - Sha mo
6 - mamasay mamasa mamakusa
7 - Hoo!
8-10 - Not guilty, your Honor.


Cut to the chase…We had a great time….and he did get laid.

Which prom do I go to?
Born black, slowly turning white. I really need to know. My dates Brooke Shields and Emanuele Lewis are waiting in the limo. Bubbles is driving! He looks so weird in his chauffeur's cap.

All Your Questions Answered…
The bad guys are:

Spoiler Alert?
Thanks for ruining the ending! Jeesh.
Hee hee!

Thanks Yoko!
I don't care what any of you Say Say Say.

Where do the Visitors get the money to pay rent on the Healing Centers in downtown New York? Those places aint cheap!

Smells like Chet. A greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.

Uh…How can you forget The Passion of the Christ? In the book, Jesus gets saved by a lame assed Deus ex machina.