Biggest Geek Ever

I really think it's a testament to the show that there is so much debate about the details of a few scenes week in and week out. The show's so multilayered and well written it's hard to tell what is foreshadowing and/or part of the plot.

Please don't take this personally (I'm meaning it to be a bit more general), but people need to get over the fact that bad guys need vessels. This show has quite the shoe string budget, and I'd rather we have what we get now than some of the costumed abominations from Buffy and Angel… though those mouths was

Sure there are. Hank has made the point time and again Madrigal is a multinational conglomerate, and that probably means they have assets somewhere in the hundred billion dollar range. Gus may be a super badass, but it sounds like he's still a cog in this machine.

Anyone think Walt may have to go to the higher ups in Madrigal? Jesse's meth is still "only" 96% pure compared to Walt's 99%. And while Gus clearly thinks that 3% isn't worth the risk, the Germans may disagree.

"Maybe I should find another planet" Aliens next season confirmed.

I might be wrong, but I vividly recall that you catch a small glimpse of the black and white dress underneath the coat.

I'm glad Gus took out the whole Cartel. Now Hank doesn't have to worry about them killing him off before he nails him to the motherfucking wall.

Cas at the end there
When Dean is giving his speech, Cas looks like he's listening to something (perhaps internally?) before he replies he has no family. I might be grasping at straws though, and I won't deny I have a bias that would prefer Cas end up being a good guy (without drama killing angel powers though!).

Well, pretty much. Even if some ancient Old One isn't possessing him, chomping down on millions of MONSTER souls can't be good. It could have heightened his sense of betrayal into a "I will command you all or kill you all" megalomania.

I'm not entirely convinced we won't see Cthulhu mythos play into it all. After all, we don't really know if Castiel isn't being manipulated by the souls he consumed. You are what you eat…