Bender Bukowski

And a lot more of Marie and Lydia.

I see what you did there.

One would hope. He had his endgame in mind from the start so this really should be the easy part…unless he decides to alter things to subvert expectations. The internet allowing people to put their collective heads together and figure out all the big stuff (R+L=J, especially) doesn't seem to be something he's thrilled

I'm gonna assume almost everyone looked at google maps, calculated the gas mileage and then sadly closed the page…


That was rather the point.

Theon got to know him and Roose Bolton quite well, and decided there was more cruelty in his little finger then Frey had in his whole body.

Meth, meth it rhymes with DEATH.

I motion that we have a new chairman, and also my cat smells nice and is pretty.

And now you know…the rest of the story.

Eighty is the new forty.

He's chilling in the 21st century w/Batman at the moment in the new 52, which could be a lot if fun if they don't screw it up.

Are we talking double ply here, or the cheap stuff?

Walking Dead is actually a Doctor Who spinoff about a nubian time lord who get trapped on a zombie overrun earth, frequently getting devoured and then regenerating.

A wizard did it.

The usual decomposition agents find infected flesh repulsive, and their nervous systems are animated by some ambient, undetectable energy source.

Oh, that would be brilliant. The blue meth he helped to unleash on the world reveals an unexpected side effect…

Maggie loves Daley?

Have you ever read the letters column? He's very much open to criticism.

Well, it wouldn't be much fun since we know how it ends. But of course that's subject to change.