Rex Inutilis

C'mon Gentle Herpes, you know Hyden has clearly outlined that 'News' also constitutes all Dawes and Bon Iver activity, 'cos he, you know, like the and stuff. It's only fair 'cos the Reviews is like Pitchfork's mirror, where passion and exuberance are allowed to roam unfettered by the dictates of fop weltschmerz (you

I know, poor Greg Proops, Lucas really sold him a dump there, in line with the general lack of cultural awareness outside of the Lucas Ranch with its warehouses full of 30s noir potboilers and Kurasowa For Dummies. Whereas Peter Serafinowicz scored the choicest lines as Darth Mauls voice (and thus 'acting ability).

Now, come one. Warmotor has a point. Murder and rape has been around since forever and if you don't think murder and rape is ethical you don't have to do it, no one is forcing you to. But people like murder and rape and it is part of the human condition, so stop making people feel uncomfortable about it, that is the

Hey, Nabokov Cocktail, the others may have let that one slip by but that was a fantastic Sun Kil Moon reference, beautifully deployed!

C. C. is totally correct and even got the factor by which IA is better. The real issue is the overblown, ham-fisted nature of The Departed (just like Gangs of N.Y). Bring Out the Dead is made great pretty much purely on the back of pre-My-Castle-Is-Gone-I-Need-Money Nic Cage. Even Shutter Island had more restraint

It is part of the vast liberal conspiracy to smear freedom-loving patriots as petty, vindicative chicken-hawks who talk up a big macho Judge Dredd game but who play like a Dick Cheney with his sore, un-draftable back. Of course Beck would puss out by discussing the social conditions behind the massacre and why we

There is no excuse for not making a disaster interesting
For it is only when a critical documentary is aesthetically pleasing that we do anything. "I was not outraged or moved to activism by this issue until it was rendered into award-magnet wallpaper. Now I will change my liberal handwringing inertia/libertard

I would apologise for that apology
Great gag, I am something…no I am not. Wow, the sudden incongruity between concept and percept just blew minds, not to mention the l'epepater le bourgeois (which may have worked a little better if there had been a little more distance from super-villain boats and straw-hatted ho's

Yeah and Karla's ma should be grateful I transitioned her as ass from unwilling to receptive in a relatively orderly fashion. Don't these prolier-than-thou whingeing lefties realise that brown people were going to be owned by someone and it was better it was the sentimental rapist who gave them an outhouse over their

Corporate invasion is just physics, so why are you commenting on it?
Everyone seems to have ignored the truthiness of "Someone who understands things"'s incredibly subtle sarcastic dig at those who would question the purpose of the bourgeoisie and their instruments of accumulation; business want make profit, duh!!!!

Hmmm, all this alarming Jesu ignorance…
…reads to me like the commentariat universe beseeching a Justin Broadrick Gateway to Geekery. How about it, JH? IMHO he is long overdue, especially given the breadth of his output (grindcore, ambient, dubstep, jazz, microhouse, drum 'n bass, metalgaze, noise, various post-metal