A few things:
A few things:
Better names for a Star Wars-themed coffeeshop? Tatoobean. Obean Wan. Lightsaber Roast. Heck, Star(Wars)Bucks.
All true. It is clear why the Queen found you worthy of knighthood.
I'm probably alone in this, but tenure works nothing like that. You get hired to a tenure track job, which are allocated by department, and then after 5-7 years (depending on the institution) you come up for tenure, at which point, you either get tenure or are fired. In addition, tenure tracks being in departments,…
No mention of maybe the best political drama of all time (save maybe The Wire—which is clearly the better the show, but not necessarily the better political drama)- The West Wing?
No mention of maybe the best political drama of all time (save maybe The Wire—which is clearly the better the show, but not necessarily the better political drama)- The West Wing?
This is an amazing show. Is there any word on whether or not there will be a second season?
Also a big fan of Winston calling an individual condom "a loosie".
Frank didn't really expect Russo to flame out, he had Stamper make it happen. That's part of why I love the Stamper character, because you can see how seriously he takes AA, the really good parts of his character, and then you almost immediately see him being a real son of a bitch. And didn't Frank kill Russo for…
Did anyone else think there was something weird about the way they shot Giancarlo Esposito's scene? They shoot him in closeup entirely except for his hug with Pierce. It looked like they couldn't get him on set at the same time as everyone else, and shot his stuff separately.
I do like how the show is presenting some of the moral relativism that ends up characterizing soldiers on both sides of a cold war. Obviously, our contemporary understanding of Soviet agents dictates that Phillip and Elizabeth must be more violent, but Stan's abuse of that hi-fi salesman was pretty brutal for what…