Well, if neither Robin nor Ted reacted the way they did, the proposal would have ended up not working/being a bad idea. it was actually kind of clever for him to do it that way.
Well, if neither Robin nor Ted reacted the way they did, the proposal would have ended up not working/being a bad idea. it was actually kind of clever for him to do it that way.
That was (alongside the idea that on-air talent has the power to fire people) one of the biggest problems I had with the episode.
That was (alongside the idea that on-air talent has the power to fire people) one of the biggest problems I had with the episode.
Yeah, of all the shows that introduced a vice in one episode that the characters "have always had" that was never mentioned before or since, only HIMYM can get away with it and still seem plausible.
Yeah, of all the shows that introduced a vice in one episode that the characters "have always had" that was never mentioned before or since, only HIMYM can get away with it and still seem plausible.
Of COURSE it was necessary, this is Barney we are talking about.
Of COURSE it was necessary, this is Barney we are talking about.
For a brief moment after I figured out that the whole thing was a play, I worried that Patrice wasn't actually in on it. That would have been unforgivable on Barney's part.
For a brief moment after I figured out that the whole thing was a play, I worried that Patrice wasn't actually in on it. That would have been unforgivable on Barney's part.
A bandolier for his laser crossbow.
A bandolier for his laser crossbow.
She might not spend much time with him, but she bought him a silk shirt with maps to all the major US subway systems on it. Beat THAT!
She might not spend much time with him, but she bought him a silk shirt with maps to all the major US subway systems on it. Beat THAT!
TNG is a strong gentleman who beats up criminals nocturnally.
TNG is a strong gentleman who beats up criminals nocturnally.
"YOU weren't communicating very much with your wife towards the end there!"
"YOU weren't communicating very much with your wife towards the end there!"
Sometimes Good microwaves the Hot Pocket, but ends up trying to throw it at Evil instead (but missing and hitting the wall).
Sometimes Good microwaves the Hot Pocket, but ends up trying to throw it at Evil instead (but missing and hitting the wall).
Stark Tech? I don't get "leather trench coat" so much as "shiny red and yellow metal suit" when I think of them.