human being

Good lord.

LA Confidential is for me what Chinatown is for everyone else. Fuck it, I'm watching it right now.

If Gravity wins this year then add that to the list.

God I miss that show.

I might be the only one, but I really liked Year One. Who can resist Oliver Platt trying to buttfuck Micheal Cera? Certainly not I.

I like how when Rust blows his load after 30 seconds it's because he's super intense, but when I do it it's because I'm terrible at sex.

"We had part of a slinky, but I straightened it." RIP Egon. I will see you in far off places.

Is that your real hair?

I liked both comments because you're both idiots. That's how this works, right?

Mother of God…

Ah, the "magic". Yeah, the "magic" has been sounding alright, maybe a bit much on the high end. But are right about the methods. Super duper in place.


I agree Yo La Tengo is a national treasure even though I cannot name a single song of theirs.

Cannot like this enough.

Nice to see some love for Let It Rest A Little While. That song is near tear inducing.

We have a winner! DTC and Isolation Drills are perfect, even when they're not.

Factory better than Little League? hahahahahahahahahaha!

Why must every GBV record be reviewed by someone who clearly doesn't understand music? Tobin a better songwriter than Bob? In what bizarre reality is this true? Congrats, you are the 5,000th critic to call Bob's songs "half baked". What does that mean? Are the songs cold in the middle or something? You know what? Fuck

lol wtf is FOC!? No really, what is that?

Directed by Zach Snyder. So you know it's gonna be good.