bob dobbs died for you

Dr. Zoidberg, no where in "The Edge" do they say Hopkins character is supposed to be American, so he can be forgiven for not shedding his accent. And he is not a grizzly bear hunter, he's just a regular millionaire turned grizzly bear hunter as a matter of survival. Also. Alec Baldwin was pretty good in that movie.

Please finish TNG before DS9. I didn't watch DS9, so I am not too interested in the reviews.

Great series!
Thanks, Nathan for a very entertaining and informative series. Hope your trip goes well.

Huh. I did not think about that. She must be very very good. But still, 4.5 million is a bit steep for a blowjob. Does insurance cover fellatio-related fires?

He knows what women want!
Ok, why is everyone freaking about the "blow me first" thing? I mean, do you expect her to blow him AFTER he burns her house down? There would be soot and smoke everywhere, not to mention gawking firefighters and lookie-loos. She would feel so self-conscious blowing him with all that

I'll tell ya who they should replace him with. That Funke guy everyone's been talking about! Actually, I'm kind of getting sick of hearing about him.

Wait! I had other thoughts too
The x hours before opening didn't bother me as much because it was clear from the pilot that in a temporal sense this show is all over the place.

Sure, add it
It's a fun show, I just hope it can walk the line between complete silliness and somewhat grounded.

From limitless options I'm reduced to none…or rather one…
I might have that line wrong, but I used it because I think that Moriarty is perhaps the best single villain TNG ever had, if you don't count the Borg as a single villain that is. He's almost not even a villain, just a guy who wants what we all have. Good

This is getting ridiculous
Every article you tease us by saying that Waylon coming next time, and every article you don't deliver. C'mon, Rabin! Give us more Waymore!

The Nashville Dudes killed Schroedinger's cat.

No one commented on my super-clever "O Brother" reference and that makes me a sad panda.

Dang! Seems Like Ol' Waylon is always two columns away. Ain't that a geographical oddity?