
How much genre writing have you read? I mean, Martin is not as evocative in his prose as an S.M. Stirling (who is underrated), nor as talented as Gene Wolfe, but he isn't as workmanlike as a Robert Jordan, Stephen Baxter, or any of the myriad writers who churn out Star Wars/Star Trek/Warhammer shit on a monthly basis.

How much genre writing have you read? I mean, Martin is not as evocative in his prose as an S.M. Stirling (who is underrated), nor as talented as Gene Wolfe, but he isn't as workmanlike as a Robert Jordan, Stephen Baxter, or any of the myriad writers who churn out Star Wars/Star Trek/Warhammer shit on a monthly basis.

Yay! Everyone loves contrarian literary snobbishness in the form of a non-sequitur!

Yay! Everyone loves contrarian literary snobbishness in the form of a non-sequitur!

Yes, because anyone who hates hyper-generic Lensman ripoffs, unspeakably bad CGI, and really, really, really bad acting is clearly an idiot.

Yes, because anyone who hates hyper-generic Lensman ripoffs, unspeakably bad CGI, and really, really, really bad acting is clearly an idiot.

I watched it, and I "liked it" in the same way I "liked" the Wheel of Time books, i.e. as a guilty pleasure that I knew in my heart of hearts was terrible but gave me something to nerd out over.

I watched it, and I "liked it" in the same way I "liked" the Wheel of Time books, i.e. as a guilty pleasure that I knew in my heart of hearts was terrible but gave me something to nerd out over.

I miss the Hatecast! Bring it back!

I miss the Hatecast! Bring it back!

Goddamnit, AV Club. Did you run out of GOOD shows to review?

Goddamnit, AV Club. Did you run out of GOOD shows to review?

Wasn't it "but we don't want the Dutch"?

Wasn't it "but we don't want the Dutch"?

"A legacy is what you get instead of getting paid." - Rocky Balboa

"A legacy is what you get instead of getting paid." - Rocky Balboa

I was a paid extra in that film. True story.

I was a paid extra in that film. True story.

If you REALLY didn't want to be an ass, you just wouldn't have said anything,

If you REALLY didn't want to be an ass, you just wouldn't have said anything,