Loose Stool

What's the over/under on Playboy for her? 4 years?

Well, archmage, I think the dude up there was using hyperbole to enhance his point, but directing isn't a bad job. I spent a few years working in a mill and if somebody had come to me and said, "You wanna direct a movie? We'll pay you $10 an hour!" I would have jumped at it. And this guy is probably making more

I don't know. Has potential, but I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.

"Keep it comin'. I'm not convinced we're in L.A. yet."

I'm going lie about loving Friends from here on out just in case I ever run into you.

Yup, that song delivers.

There's nothing wrong with The Dude that a good beating wouldn't fix.


Take out the "l"…"Back Shadow?" It's a little clever I gues.

Well, Lovecraft, if you're really in Brooklyn you could catch Shellac for 17 beans. But you'd hafta wait until autmn.

I never quite realized that they had the "hair uniform" thing going on a la ZZ Top or the Ramones. Great look.

Heh, yeah. If any incriminating conversations were ever filmed, they certainly weren't given to Jarecki. Not that I can imagine him going after such film with terrier-like tenacity.

Why not enjoy the best of both worlds and chill in Camden?

Why do you feel so empty, Craig? Because this is just a hiccup. This will get made, and somebody like, say, 50 cent or Russell Brand as Snake Plisken.


YouTube and The Daily News comments prove that computers and (especially) the internet are too cheap. A 100% tax won't get rid of all the dumbassery, but it will cull the herd a bit. Heck, it might even constitute enough payers to pay for single payer health care!

Hellooo studio city!

I'd pop for this
…if it had the pre-re-edit. Maybe.

The sky effects were not bad, and I always wanted to be a deadly accurate rock thrower like that kid.

I saw this in the theater alone as a kid and it scared the crap out of me. Needless to say it didn't hold up to an adult viewing.