
Worth the ticket price to see 6 Feet Under douche get his fucking BRAIN RIPPED OUT. I'm there.

Stevie fucking that ho was the greatest opening scene of any TV show ever.


Get to the chopper?

Good flick. Tits and bush.

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

Dead Hard.

Amen, brother.

Yo St. Peter
Omar comin'

Andre Royo
Fucking amazing. That is all.

Too bad she won't live. But then who does?

I thought that was Vic Mackey in that picture
Frank Black's OK though. Sure can holler.

Karl Hyde is 53.

Yeah Ali Landry is awful in this.
Ali Larter is even worse.

2 revolvers = 12 bullets.
She'd do better with a single Glock.

'I couldn't think of anything clever to write' will be on Paul WS Anderson's gravestone.

That's Ron Perlman.

After I die from lung cancer I want to be cremated in a tobacco coffin.

Cranston is immortal. Everyone else could be dead by then though.

It was legit. Your reaction is typical, hence the rewrite.