Yee Yee

This is probably the last full season of Top Chef we’ll be covering

what language was tudyk speaking? was it gaelic?

was that Frank Sobotka

ugh hate challenges like this, it's like the stupid ice one last season

boo Jessa

give it some time. plus I enjoyed the boobs.

the most digi comment ever

haddie, your mom ran for mayor. and lost. and now started a school. your cousin got engaged to a psycho marine who beat the shit out of one of your dad's clients. your brother is hanging out with an aspie guy who still has a crush on your aunt.

the frogurt is also cursed

Corporations are people, my friends


RIP Treme! one of many amazing shows to finish this year.

for those of you who don't know, ZMF is locked up right now. FREE ZMF.


RIP Chief

I love lucy is the greatest TV show in history

G rated family friendly programming

I hate every ape I see, from Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z

are they going to have that girl Bailey be like a Cousin Oliver? Or replace Jenna after the current awesome showrunner leaves? Have no fears they've got stories for years

one of the funnier new shows, but goes with Cougartown in the good show/bad name Hall of Fame