@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Let me tell you, it's the kind of thing you feel weird putting a spoiler in front of. Like it should be something I made up for comedy's sake.
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Let me tell you, it's the kind of thing you feel weird putting a spoiler in front of. Like it should be something I made up for comedy's sake.
I don't necessarily agree. Voyager is bad in the way G.I. Joe: Retaliation is bad. It's mostly just goddamn goofy all over the place, and occasionally you get to see the Rock punch something!
You can do whatever you want if you wish for it hard enough.
Yeah, I will say this for Voyager. It has some of the weirdest goddamn episodes of television around back then, and would be interesting to review for that reason. Anyone else remember when…
Professor Farnsworth: Start the ship, Leela! Let's just steal the dish and get back to our own time.
Fry: But won't that change history?
Professor Farnsworth: Oooh, a lesson in not changing history from "Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa". Let's get the hell out of here already! Screw history!
Love Trials and Tribble-ations. So many people take Star Trek so seriously when in fact it used to be this silly little sci-fi show. Love that it can poke fun at itself when its fanbase is so crazy/rabid.
I hated all of Rory's boyfriends…
Oh dear. You are in for a delightful treat. I wish I could watch this show again for the first time.
A friend of mine once described the show as "Vanilla ice cream." It's not bad by any means, there are just a lot more interesting flavors out there.
I feel like @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus did that on purpose to get more people to read why he thinks they should watch this show.
Wait, a what? Could you explain the concept at work here?
@Rappin_Jake_Sisko:disqus at the top of the thread where he belongs.
So, as much as I enjoyed Paradise Lost, nothing in that episode warmed my heart like the first five minutes of Crossfire. I like being back on DS9. I like being with the characters again. Crossfire is a much more character-driven than plot-driven story (like Paradise Lost is), and while I enjoy both, the thing that…
Michelle Ostampa, Killary Clinton, Leslie Rope-a-Dope, Margeret Hatchet.
Lord, @avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus , I want to print that out onto Starfleet stationary, frame it, and hang it on my wall.
That's not comparable. According to my perfunctory internet search, there are 196,165,666 folks with a license in the US (this number is probably not totally accurate, but ballparkish)
I can get on board with that. I remember Paris's holodeck adventures tried the same sort of thing with the Adventures of Captain Proton, but they were lacking a Garak character to provide commentary (also, most shows would benefit with more Garak).
Hey man, the economics of Jizz are fascinating.