
Saw it just now, not gonna spoil anything, but I was reading some other outlets about how the ending was praised by everyone, and the director himself wasn't going to take the job if Sony even tested the ending out with audiences. So for anyone who saw it, did you appreciate the ending?

You guys forgot mention the head writer is the guy from Flop House, one of the original peaches, Elliott Kalan himself! What happened A.V. Club, you guys used to have so much love for that podcast. :-( Anyways, I think the show is in good hands, have a lot of confidence!

It's the wife of the brother!!

True, but the times after that…

It's like a series staple, every time these "ominous giant hell-egg filled with writhing acrid slime" show up in the movie, it's like a tradition to poke your head into it. Very accurate and awesome description of the nest btw.

People need to stop poking their noses into those facehugger nests…

I'd say the fun really begun when Sir Ian McKellen joined the couch.

I really liked it…

Sure now he pulls the gay card…

I really liked the episodes, a lot of funny bits here and there. And of course the best of all:

Hahaha ture. I guess it's a grass is greener on the other side type thing.

Ahhh I see, yes good point.

I'd say most of the Oscar noms aren't movies like that. However Chinese film industry does not have a space to allow films like that to prosper.

Hmm… I did not draw the parallel between Hero and Mao/Tiananmen… Honestly I thought it was just the beginning of his style over substance film series. And I don't feel like Chinese audience saw it that way either. It really was just a case of trying to emulate the success of CT, HD.

Honestly, I think this show has the BEST opening credits.

You're right, I guess I wasn't saying there are no good films, and I shouldn't say that those action and comedy films are all bad, but it is hard to find one that's like Moonlight or Hidden Figures where the film can examine its own country's flaws. Can you give me some recommendations?

Yeah, but I think it has gotten worse.

Of course. But also they are trying to grow their own industry, so I believe there is a strict quota (or at least there used to be) on the number of foreign films that can be imported.

The problem with Chinese film industry is censorship. Because of it, it's hard for Chinese artists to make any meaningful film… Back in the days, Zhang Yimou made films like To Live, The Story of Qiu Ju, all of these would've been banned in today's standards. So people are left to make films that are devoid of

oh damn you're right… I'm so embarrassed right now.