
"she hates not being the only asian in the room"

I'm surprised that Damien Rice's album didn't get reviewed on the website. I thought it was a worth contender for one of the best albums, definitely worth the 8 years wait.

Last time I heard during the NY Comic Con, it's coming along…

I think that entire set up was worth the "spill the beans" line. I still like him a lot. I think they need to explore his imaginary albino friend, and his ambiguous sexuality references.

Nick Offerman's gay bar, IF ONLY…

I know this cartoon… It looks so familiar! What is it called?

The two half naked twins in the beginning went to my college…

I'm gonna miss Adam Pally when he leaves… :( He's just as funny as Morgan, but has better story lines than him.

A million times yes! His X-Files podcast is AWESOME. And he does just seem like a nice guy. I will definitely check out SV.

Man it sucks that the score isn't given, cuz I was gonna say anything less than an A is unacceptable given the shirtless scene of Danny (a lot of other shirtless scenes too in this episode, probably there to show how perfect Danny is).

Hm… Anyone other fellow avclubers would like to take this one?

I really just wanna yell "YOU'RE BANNED" to someone right now…

So…. Oregano burger is not a good idea?

Can't pinpoint why, but I have a HUGE crush on Kumail… And I don't watch Silicon Valley. Yet.

Yeah, seeing the characters at the beginning, I was afraid it was gonna be another Family Fracas… I'm glad the Belchers didn't lose THAT bad. But I think there needs to be an episode where Chuck is SHUT DOWN.

I love the use of slow motion in Bob's Burgers, some of my favorite ones include the food truck exploding scene, Louise pushing Tammy underneath the poop… And of course the scenes in this episode, man what i would give to get a fudge car wash (even tho it sounds kinda gross…)

I checked out the USPSIS website, I am still not convinced it's an actual agency, I think the Brooklyn Nine-Nine people made it.

jurassic park reference!! A+

Marry me.

1) Anyone else hoping for that turkey selling guy who was into Bob last year show up at the super market again? It would've made a perfect love story if he saved Bob from the turkey apocalypse.