
It's almost like having Watson fall in love with Sherlock. That just changes too much.

Loving the extensive strings used in this episode, they should totally have a soundtrack for this show, and of course include the theme, which is awesome.

I know… I don't know why this storyline bothered me so much, maybe I'm just an stubborn old man. However, I am 35 min into the episode now, I think this could grow on me.

I agree, that's why I loved the show so far, but having Watson away from Sherlock (and I'm sure it will return to the status quo at some point) is such a drastic departure from the books.

I've only watched the first fifteen minute of the episode so far, so what I am writing now is very much subject to change, but I just had to get some thoughts out. And for all I know, I could be calling myself an idiot at the end of the episode, but here goes…

As much as I want the McCarthy's to succeed, pretty sure the show is critically panned, including by the a.v. club i'd assume, but the author here is quite generous w/ this show.

For the longest time I thought he said Horse's Bath, and frankly I'm still not convinced that it isn't…

First the pun in the article about the IT crowd, and now for ouija board, "not pushing hard enough", you guys are on fire!

I loved that scene as well, but I stupidly did not make the "selfie" connection, great analysis!

I wanna decorate my car like that, it's a great hangout.

i'm starting to like that show too (MLS)!! I think the leads also have good chemistry. The main guy is just as handsome as Cho.

"but perhaps NBC turning it off and on again will help."

Wahhhhh, I thought it was a perfect fit! The hint of a romance beginning to develop. Though I am a sucker for these songs in general, so it could've been placed in Nightmare on Elm Street and I'd probably say it was excellent.

A+ for using Alexi Murdoch's Orange Sky in the show.

Oh sorry… Didn't read till the end… Haha. Yeah I read somewhere about the mass exodus from this place, I didn't even realize Todd was gone until I saw him covering a show elsewhere. But I like the commenters on AV Club.

How so? Because they cover this show?

Hmmm, Henry's mom sure hates Obamacare, if you rewatch the scene when Henry and Eliza are facetiming, Henry is scrolling through his news feed, and all it shows are his mom's anti-obamacare posts….

Haha, glad you agree. It's just I feel like this show is trying to hard to be dramatic, with the timeline switch, sped up effect etc. But TGW is just so effortlessly dramatic and captivating, especially with its courtroom scenes.

I thought the first episode was great, but I started watching the good wife over the weekend (finished nearly 2 seasons in the past week), and I have to say, this is just not as good as the good wife. The courtroom drama part is not as good. The case, like the author said, basically is taken from the good wife… Maybe

Oh, should've read all the comments before I wrote mine… Thank you for answering my question as well.