
the misadventures and "Miss-adventures" joke, that was funnyyyy, troy always have the best lines.

Shirley NAILED the scene behind the fish tank, she would fit right in on L&O

I completely agree, i think previous portrayals of the townsfolk did not have this much malice or contempt hidden within it. They still said crazy/stupid stuff, but it still felt like a place you can love.

he's not using the cologne from dennis feinstein… wtf

did anyone hear the lost soundtrack in play when abed first fainted…?

i think it's through this episode that i realized the confusion of not knowing how the other person feel about each other can be enjoyable, whether you're in the middle of it or as an outsider, this was proven especially proven true in the scene where Alex and Dave in the hotel room confessing their confusions…

i don't ever want to have soft serve again…

i definitely agree that someone who's darker than space is hot.

colin hanks had a earring on his right ear….

Definitely teared up at the last scene, those were the exact same words my mom told me when I grew up…

Best bit? Andy's fake german gibberish commands, laughed out loud there.

my favorite quote was a exchange between alex and dave about Grant having his shirt on. "Why is his shirt on?!" "BECAUSE PEOPLE WEAR SHIRTS!!" laughed out loud.

saw at the viewing party! also saw ryan mcgee, haha, great episode, gonna watch it again tonight!

my favorite joke was Andy's attempt to use the word "Jettison" and instead said jetsons. it was SO funny… anyone?

quite the contrary, I thought adam scott SUPER doing MUN is something that you can expect from his character. And the way he delivered that line, it was brilliant.