
We all like Felicity because she is what I call "Real World," pretty. There are a lot of beautiful women on this show, but she is the one that looks like you might meet her in the real world. Add in her humor and personality and she is the total package, much like the Microsoft Surface tablet with the power of Bing.

"Dagnabbit" is a perfectly cromulent word, consarnit!

Sometimes funny is enough.

My thoughts exactly. More of a caper movie than an action flick, but it moved along and Jim Caviezel of all people had a few funny moments.

In my opinion, she's the one who got Tommy killed. She was warned about the Undertaking, yet still went there to try and save a couple of files, putting her life and the rest of her staff's in danger. And she certainly didn't wait around to see if Tommy was safe after he saved her. She sprinted out of there so fast

This is not uncommon out west. I live in Reno and have had visitors talk about "Hopping in their car and taking a day trip to Vegas." It's 440 miles south, for God's sake!

"Breaking Bad" gets mentioned on this site too often, but aren't some of the writers and directors available now, or at least until "Better Call Saul" gets going? How about bringing some of them in to tighten up these storylines and get this show back on track.

I'm hoping that the secret society that developed the exploding x-ray eye is A.I.M. It would be great to see their take on Modoc. Big head, tiny body, flying chair.

I guess it just isn't possible for an action hero to also be a good father…UNTIL DISASTER STRIKES!

Psychologically, guns represent the penis. Therefore, the larger the gun, the larger the penis. Something none of you teeny-weenies know anything about.

Andrea was a civil right lawyer. I can't think of a more useless occupation in a zombie apocalypse.

I couldn't agree more about the origin thing. Do what they did on "the Incredible Hulk," and get it over during the credits.

How come they haven't floated Bryan Cranston's name as a possible Ben Grimm/Thing?

If they wrote her character more like the original Ruby from Supernatural, she would come across a lot better.

(Raises hand) Yep. I did it too.

No-kill rule leads to boxing glove arrow. A definite winner.

I kind of miss the old Felicity, though, A little awkward, hair pulled back in a ponytail, all she needs is for someone to take off her glasses, release her hair so it falls gently about her shoulders, and then we can listen to the audience say, "She's beautiful!"

Huell,and T-Dog in a buddy comedy where they play mismatched, fish out of water loose cannon cops in a world they never made.

The humor is really what sets this show apart. Very X Filesian (?) in that respect

The Tulpa episode where they replaced all the BOC with that awful generic tv rock, (like Opie used to dance to), was particularly egregious, especially since it turned out to be a major plot point. That band doesn't get enough love as it is, cutting their music from that episode is adding insult to injury. I'm glad I