erudite or asinine -- you deci

I definitely thought the implication was that Parrish (or one of his minions) killed him. Obviously, they're taking a page from the Fringe playbook with the child experimentation thing, but you know, I don't care. I don't care if they've borrowed from Heroes, X-men, or anything else. They always still surprise me with

I definitely thought the implication was that Parrish (or one of his minions) killed him. Obviously, they're taking a page from the Fringe playbook with the child experimentation thing, but you know, I don't care. I don't care if they've borrowed from Heroes, X-men, or anything else. They always still surprise me with

I thought it was interesting at the end when they showed the photos of each of the girls in succession, and Laura's pictures seemed so much better than Sophie's. Yet all along, I was under the impression that Sophie had been awesome in most of them. Guess her personality won me over…

I thought it was interesting at the end when they showed the photos of each of the girls in succession, and Laura's pictures seemed so much better than Sophie's. Yet all along, I was under the impression that Sophie had been awesome in most of them. Guess her personality won me over…

Lance — I want to see *your* sketch, which made me giggle thinking about it. Make it so.

Ooh, ooh, I have, I have! But, see, I'm old.

My impression is that it was Olivia Williams' plan all along, a la Double Indemnity or some such. In other words, the mortgage dude wasn't a cuckhold fetishist — he never admitted that to Hank — and had perhaps told her that he would kill himself if she cheated on him. Wonder if her appearance on the show was just a

I've kept an eye on Donal L. since he was the crazy MTV taxi driver, at least until that parenting sit-com (it seemed to me he had a little more chemistry with the girl playing his daughter that I was comfortable watching). I was thus surprised to discover that he has since turned into Willie Nelson.

Lucky! Ah, man, you're breaking my heart… I'd almost forgotten about its early demise.

sarahmas — I'm no supporter of Ivy, but I will say that Michael's ignorance of sewing would be offputting. I've been sewing for, oh, maybe a year or so, and I sew terribly, yet even I knew the terms she was using, and have used those techniques on just about every garment I've made. I'm sure that would have been

@Ghost… I apologize in advance for the lame joke, but it's just laying there… what makes you think brains would be any better as space food than halibut or short-ribs?

I always thought (and still do) that David Cross' character's name is a variation of Byron De La Beckwith, the Klansman who killed Metger Evers. I just looked it up, and his conviction was upheld in 1997, so that would have been fairly recent news when they wrote the sketch.

David, a douche? No, surely not! It's funny, but when I watched Mr. Show the very first time, in first run on HBO, I sort of thought Bob was an angry jerk, most likely because he plays them so well. I also thought David was a cuddly hipster. Then later, I heard about how David was an angry jerk to random (and nice)

Betsey Johnson is getting pretty elderly to be sporting such a young, funky look, and her thing for leopard is starting to remind me more of Edith Prickley from SCTV than the trash glam she made her name with. But I still love her. You get the impression that's just who she *is* rather than that she's someone trying

Waah! Sarah was the only designer who I actually liked hearing from. She seemed like my type of gal — a little cynical, but funny and smart. Ah well. Casa-n0-clue is a good nick… but even his own name "Casa - no - va" seems to be pretty good… mangling Spanish it could mean "House of No Go."

I found some of what she said about the fawns confusing… she'd said she hadn't had the money to get it photographed because it was a very difficult thing to capture on film. Wouldn't the photo then be the work of the photographer, and she was acting more as curator? It's not necessarily a criticism of the work — I'm

I don't get the love for Peregrine's jumbled-up compilation sculptures — the ones that are sort of piles of horses and trinkets… I think maybe the judges addressed my concern in their crit, or maybe afterward, when they suggested that she could have edited her works more carefully. Maybe if you're there it doesn't

uh, "ever."

Dot Dot Dot, that was the best (not)Firstie every.

Dr. Reasonable, I agree that "right now it feels almost low-key and inconsequential." But for some odd reason, that makes it more suspenseful to me. The whole code-breaker/intelligence gathering aspect of the show is so de-glamorized compared to movies or TV about spies — heck, we even get a taste of bureaucratic red