Concerned American

One of the least-effective, yet most-common strategies when making the case for a slightly obscure movie/band/TV show/novel/whatever is to take something more famous and successful in the same general category and knock it. Back when Attack the Block came out a couple of years ago, its fans nearly always led with

Dear lord, AVC, you assigned Tasha "Not Even the Slightest Sense of Humor" Robinson to review this movie? She has the absolute worst comedy radar in movie criticism history.

"As a correspondent for GQ…" and you lost me already. GQ literally stinks. Get a bunch of GQ issues in one place, and you'll be nauseous from the smell of cologne samples inside. The introduction contains further red flags: "sports" and "dude life." I don't know what "dude life" is, but this guy hasn't even spoken a

Aw, I was hoping you'd ask him about his top-billed starring role in Dead Men Don't Die. I've been wanting an explanation of that film for years.

This sounds like another Kanye impression, but it's the Kanye of three or four years ago. Not worth it, Donald. Sorry.

Are we talking "favorite" or 'best" here? The question says one thing and the headline another, and I make a distinction between those two words. The most fun I've had watching a movie in 2013 was — and scoff if you must — Room 237, but I don't think I'd say it was the "Best Movie of 2013." I enjoyed it the most,

It’s a measure of how uncertain the show was at this point about whether it wanted to be vulgar about plugging its hosts’ work that neither Radner nor Tomlin says the title aloud, nor holds the album up so the audience can see the cover.

In other words, fuck this dude… just not literally.

"But anyway, my first impulse was that I had to pick someone like George Harrison. You’ve got to go after someone. You’ve got to be surprising. You can’t be just, like, dynamiting fish in a lake. Then I thought it was going to be George Harrison, with maybe something off Revolver because I’m actually a huge Beatles

This just in: Jim Carrey is kind of a flake.

My first thought was that it should technically be called Worse Teacher, but then I decided to go high concept: Bad Teacher should be followed by Dangerous Teacher, History Teacher and finally Invincible Teacher.

Welcoming Garfunkel to the stage, Simon says, “So, Artie, you’ve come crawling back.” It’s a joke, spoiled only by the fact that in order for this to actually be a joke, it would have to be spoken to whichever member of the duo still had a career.

The Chinese characters in the video title translate as "Chicken Hungry Games," which is a much better title.

I know what you mean, Simon. I've seen those non-Friedberg/Seltzer spoofs you mentioned, and they are terrible, laughless, brain-deadening experiences. But I also saw Epic Movie, and at least from a writing standpoint, it's as bad as either of those. Epic Movie has much better production values than those other films

I'll admit I laughed when the referee used his starting pistol to kill a contestant.

"Knock knock."
"Who's there."
"Euripides who?"
"Euripides pants, I'm-a break-a you face!"

It's kind of a shame there was no Internet back in the 1960s. Otherwise, we would have been treated to "An Open Response to My Idiot Father" within hours.

Thank you, sacrelicious. I'd recognized Vanessa as the bar mitzvah boy while I watched the show, but he/she had slipped my mind. Ariana Huffington was the character I was trying to identify. I didn't even see Anne Romney, but that was a funny character. Hopefully, there will be some reason to bring her back. (Please,

It's probably folly to respond to this complaint in a sincere way, but I'll try. The AVC reviews are written in what I'd call a semi-formal, conversational style. These aren't academic papers, after all, but they're not text messages either. Under those circumstances, starting a sentence with "which" is perfectly

For the second week in a row, SNL was more about self-nostalgia than about…. you know, making  people laugh. Comedy is not job #1 on the show anymore, not by a long shot. I would say SNL's top priority is to maintain its status as a cultural institution, honoring its own path and cranking out potential new movie and