I love the picture choice. It's like Bilbo's just staring at the B- grade in anguish, wondering what went wrong.
I love the picture choice. It's like Bilbo's just staring at the B- grade in anguish, wondering what went wrong.
Stop blowing your nose, I wanna hear this!
Stop blowing your nose, I wanna hear this!
Let's not forget Commander Nefarious, Captain I'm-A-Bad-Guy and Admiral Bone-To-Pick.
Let's not forget Commander Nefarious, Captain I'm-A-Bad-Guy and Admiral Bone-To-Pick.
The same restaurant has been featured on Boardwalk Empire as Masseria's hangout. The staff have been putting up with this shit since 1920.
The same restaurant has been featured on Boardwalk Empire as Masseria's hangout. The staff have been putting up with this shit since 1920.
Ask me, it's all these toxins they're exposed to. It fucks with their brains! With the mercury in fish alone, it's a wonder there ain't more kids jumpin' off bridges.
Ask me, it's all these toxins they're exposed to. It fucks with their brains! With the mercury in fish alone, it's a wonder there ain't more kids jumpin' off bridges.
Owen garroted a man's fingers off when he was using the urinal last season, so you'd better warn him about using public bathrooms too.
Owen garroted a man's fingers off when he was using the urinal last season, so you'd better warn him about using public bathrooms too.
They stuck a fork in him and he was done (for the season).
They stuck a fork in him and he was done (for the season).
Maybe Nucky was using his knowledge of the distillery to blackmail Mellon into closing it down? Presumably Rothstein didn't know it was owned by Mellon (since Means charged Nucky $40k for that information), so he wouldn't be able to link it back to Mellon when arrested.
Maybe Nucky was using his knowledge of the distillery to blackmail Mellon into closing it down? Presumably Rothstein didn't know it was owned by Mellon (since Means charged Nucky $40k for that information), so he wouldn't be able to link it back to Mellon when arrested.
"I’m pretty sure Bobby is wearing a shirt Tony wore frequently in the first season of this show in the scenes at Chris’ wake. No, I have no idea what that could mean."
"I’m pretty sure Bobby is wearing a shirt Tony wore frequently in the first season of this show in the scenes at Chris’ wake. No, I have no idea what that could mean."
Even just a spin-off with Richard, Julia and Tommy would be great. They could call it Two and a Half Faces.
Even just a spin-off with Richard, Julia and Tommy would be great. They could call it Two and a Half Faces.
I got a pony. He got a pony. He got a pony. Everybody got ponies!