Bot the Robot

so olivia is our skywalker character now? sweet, and speaking of other trilogies:
r the inter-dimensional beings in fringe the same as those of "duh they're not aliens they're inter-dimensional beings Indiana Jones and the Crystal" Skull fame? oh I hope so. take note fringe writers.

i hope that it's filmed in Los Angeles or New York and as such that the audience isn't filled with fat, white mid-western yokels, an all-black audience would be appropriate me thinks, or perhaps an all-gay (gay men obviously) audience would also be good.

Canadians need to apologize for anything and everything because their army is smaller than ours, when they start unilaterally invading countries that have people and not polar bears we'll consider treating them as equals. and that goes for the rest of you too, you other varied puny nations. bring. it. on.

he's the kind of man who would read his treatise on Walt Whitman to a deaf person

you guys do realize that he isn't real right? he's a muppet.

somehow the presence of a picture of bender soothes my otherwise INFINITE RAGE!

a Best Week Ever Marathon requires coke to watch, so that could have just been inferred.


damn, i'm glad people caught on to the rape in Wall-E, i thought this tragedy would never see the light of day. yet another mystery solved by the A.V. Club Best Little Detective Agency.

ha-ha, you're different from me

Circuit overload…error…error…must choose between being hipster douchebag and douche…but wait what if you only go because of a girl, then you're cool right?