
The silly thing is that Hodges spilled what little guts he had without having any kind of signed agreement in front of him. In this series every two bit villain that gets captured never talks until they get a signed pardon by The President. So it would be really easy for this administration to not honor any kind of

The two of them finally not being so full of drama was a very much needed relief.

A friend of mine reacted badly to Strawberry Shortcake DVD because they scented the case with strawberry.

Hodges alive? I call bullshit.
Their explanation of how he survived the pill was crap. A marine saw him ingest something (I don't remember that from last week) and was able to get it out of his system in time. If the pill had dissolved enough to instigate cardiac arrest I'm not sure how they could get it out of his

That the super secretive conspirators have evil doppelgangers at a moments notice is one of the scariest things this season.

The anti-matter me loved this episode.

The way things are going with the interpersonal dramas this season I'm guessing we're going to get an episode where everyone forgets they even have a PotW. The episode will end with a nurse informing them that Mister Jensen has died and everyone will go "Who?"

Where was the giant snake?
Is this the end of Hodges? Hard to believe the show will just let him rot in jail. I was kind of hoping he'd end up being swallowed by an anaconda.

Or the rays make you sterile.

I always picture Spock with the standard bemused look. Him with a smile is just wrong.

Kutner was the salvation of mankind?

Cameron is Great.
I loved when Sarah tells Cameron that we don't kill for the sake of killing and her response is "Neither do I." The show has been lacking in the use of Cameron this season and this episode got the balance just about perfect.

The packaging design put one of the biggest smiles on my face. I really took me back to when I was a kid.

I had that toy.

Of the people I know who watch the show there is nothing but love, sadly when I mention the show at work I get "Huh?" as response.

'The Invisible Hand of Fate' was an average episode to me and only really stands out because, "The nozzle is calibrating."

11. A tornado drops a house on Sam.

I think you've got your awesome percentages flipped because Ron Moore didn't have Apollo and Starbuck wake up in virtual reality pods to find out that everything was fake.

Well the little Mars rovers lead one to believe this was their plan from the beginning, and thus they are bad, bad people. This like Tim Burton and his "Planet of the Apes" remake where he had to make it different and in doing so made it retarded.

Actually I believe most of them thought is was a bluff. David Morse certainly didn't expect Ed Harris to go through with it.