Dread Cthulhu

That's some mythological stuff right there

I'm loving idiotking's character development from blustering spoiler to knight of the newbies.

I'm loving idiotking's character development from blustering spoiler to knight of the newbies.

I don't think we've been told who ordered the assassination of
 Bran yet.

I don't think we've been told who ordered the assassination of
 Bran yet.



Get out

No, too Vander; didn't Werff.

Man, I really enjoyed this episode. You knew where it was going but the bear was just so fucking weird that I cracked up every time it did something Finnish. Good episode, IMO.

Theon is getting crueler and more foolhardy, Daeny has gone from weakwilled girl to headstrong woman, Arya is becoming more hardened and used to bloodshed, Sansa has learned that royalty is not as clean as it seemed from the outside, and I could go on.

He has a series of tunnels, and that's all you need to know.

"bullshit liberal fairy tale"? You do realize that George Clooney's character was not as spotless as he first appeared, and that's part of the point of the movie, right?

I hope it's "Doggington"

The dog got fear-induced diarrhea that splattered all over Romney's car. He stopped to clean it up and then continued driving. I am 99% sure that Mitt Romney is a robot who does not feel love.

I know it's shallow and pedantic to whine about grades, but an A? This was a very solid episode of Parks, but I found this to be about as standard as the show gets. Which means an A- or B+ for this one, I guess.

The fuck kind of children's programs are you watching?

I feel like the "I have no idea what's going on" line was added after Chevy expressed his displeasure at how batshit the episode was.

Disclaimer qualifier: Nathan Ford's Evil Twin is both correct and better at making Ship-O-Meter ratings than I am

FemDeanHalf/ManDeanHalf: 10/10