Dread Cthulhu

Objectifying to objection to objectifying women
"A nice inversion of a standard TV device: The show seems like it's going to put everyone in their underwear, but then spends far more time objectifying the guys than the girls. Who knew Chevy Chase was such a looker?"

Sommalian, check out the book "Word War Z" if you want a global perspective on a zombie crisis. More time is spent on America than anywhere else, but it does a pretty good job representing the rest of the world.

Wow! 516 comments!

He became loud and obnoxious with a pathetic center!

I appreciated this episode more than I loved this episode, but whenever the "AAABEEEED!" song came on I cracked up, and when "SHIIIIIIRLEEEY!" started happening I lost my shit.

Y'know, this "it's clever for clever's sake instead of funny" argument is really grinding my gears. I've seen it used on AD, too (in fact, it's usually the only argument people have for why they don't like it). It's not like these shows are speaking in crosswords puzzles, they're showing jokes, and if you find the

I myself thought "Dang, that's harsh. Poor Chang." Then Chang started the evil laugh and I cracked the hell up. I hope Chang's humiliations get deeper and more painful and he progressively gets more and more insane.

Damn, NBC
Why is it that every new show coming out of NBC has made me cringe at the utter unoriginality? I have this weird "rooting for the underdog" thing going on with NBC, mostly because of the Thursday night comedy block, but it's like these new shows are made like spam, ground up from pieces of other shows, and

Also, Worms Reloaded.

Wait, more fun than Arkham Asylum?
I enjoyed the hell out of AA, so this game, logically, must be the second coming of Jesus.

Damn! I was trying to think of more famous pale people, but I couldn't think of any. Sorry, Conan.

It kind of pissed me off in "Ready, Set, Marry Me!" when "On the next Arrested Development" Lindsay was made president of the Bluth Company, yet that plot thread was never visited again.

I second the end of the Ocean Walker as insanely funny, hands-down the best "on the next Arrested Development" in the series. However, I disagree with "Ready, Set, Marry Me" sucking. The humor was somewhat different from the rest of the series, but it worked for me, personally.

Huh, unfortunate name
Is Patton Oswalt hosting?

Y'know, that would actually be a pretty fun writeup. I second this.

Blasto: My new favorite gimmick poster.

It's so cute
When older people get delighted by social networking.

Worms Reloaded
I hate to be that guy saying "Hey, FUCKING REVIEW WORMS RELOADED," but, are you going to review Worms Reloaded? I'm sure there are some fans of the series that want to know how the grand return to 2D turned out.

Whoah, Incurable Ennui, you just stated the exact opposite of my opinion of Batman's rogue gallery, which I find to be one of the best in the superhero biz. Not only are most of them distinctive and colorful (there's a reason that the Joker is uber-popular) but a lot of them mirror Batman in fascinating ways, leading

I don't normally applaud comments, but The Space Pope just cracked me up.