SOA is supposed to be current time. The gunrunning is to finance the Real IRA, which didn't agree to the accords like the original IRA. I'll look it up. SOA has been known to make a few mistakes.
SOA is supposed to be current time. The gunrunning is to finance the Real IRA, which didn't agree to the accords like the original IRA. I'll look it up. SOA has been known to make a few mistakes.
Agree about Tara's bed. Really Jax doesn't know the difference. Remember S 1, the day Donna died, he woke up holding Tara, went to bed holding Wendy the exact same way. So much for the love of his life.
Clay made the deal with the cartel.
Sad to think of war-torn Belfast as more peaceful than little ole Charming.
He's from Newcastle in the north of England. They have their own vocabulary almost, as well as a thick, distinctive accent.
Missed that, but you're right—subtle.
As much as I hide my eyes from the worst violent scenes, I would have been okay with his doing to Gemma what he did to the Chinese guy. Even the salt.
This show purported itself to be about consequences, revenge. Gemma was the one character who was always exempted, even in the end. Her demise was surgical and quick with absolutely no heat, no recriminations.
She's his "sad time-out" once again.
Big poisonous spider sitting at the center of everything.
Years of jealousy and rivalry for Jax is what made Gemma kill Tara.
I wanted her to get a little anger from Jax for what she did to Tara. This was just following biker law, dictated by Gemma.
Tools to build a ramp for his son at the new house.
Good point!
You still might not be able to understand him—he's a Geordie. No plummy BBC accent.
You're right. If you really harelip yourself, you can come up with a short list of spurious examples. But he believed it. Tara's head was held underwater so that we would connect to Ophelia's drowning. This is weighty stuff, mano.
her best feature: no character
It's okay. An easy mistake to make.
senior citizen