
He would have never been able to hold to that. If she had showed up at a later time, things would have been peachy again.

Doing what, I wonder?

I had hoped to enjoy Gemma's demise. It wasn't moving either, just another body, but this one deserved it.

I thought this was totally anticlimactic. Last ep was so powerful. This one, not even any good performances.

Ooops! You're right. I was thinking of Simon Baker.

I noticed that Katey Sagal didn't know the tune. Gemma would have from her upbringing.

We'll have to wait and see. I agree with you he always has a strip of guilt a mile wide, but it never seems to change his behavior for very long.

Hugh Laurie is Australian, and it comes thru on certain words.

I agree completely.

He's stretched this a bit too far to make jokes. But I have often been dismayed by the things I laugh at on this show that I'd be appalled by in reality. You kind of get into their world.

Not the viewers. The music he chose (mostly) was to fit the biker stereotype because that was the theme of the show.

Gemma to Jax: "I made you give me all the love I needed after Thomas died." S 6

People in MN sound Swedish in cadence. NYers and NJites have a variety of accents. CA sound every way under the sun, and they like it that way. I think the least of Jax's problems is his occasional pronunciation.

Xenophobes are people who are afraid of other nationalities. I'm an American. Mumblers come in all denominations, I'm sure.

Cool, isn't it?

Sutter wrote the show for her. You and I don't see the attraction because the writers never SHOW what's so great about her, but he has the actors say it for him. Many fans are convinced to take his word for it.

well, there've been so many…

Talk about world-class hypocrites…Draper!

True. Now if he can just work it into his busy schedule to go see her grave—you know like he did hanging out in the cemetery for 6 solid seasons!

Good memory! I'm surprised Sutter let that go in.