
Sliders is difficult to draw comparisons with, because it's essentially three shows— a "what if?" alternate history series that retooled into a "well-known scifi movie ripoff on a TV budget" series that then retooled into a "war against dimension hopping aliens*" series. The dynamics on LoT right now represent the

So, this is a hard concept to describe, but let me give it a shot: The wildly different treatments of The Confederacy and The Shogunate from last week make sense in-universe but also show that our characters have a rather myopic perspective. It's pretty pointless to get out the scorecard and figure out whether it's

That line was hilarious, but would have seemed downright cruel back when Winn's main characteristic was "unrequited Kara crush." It's so bizarre that the show had to move *to* the CW to ditch its stupid love triangle plot.

I don't understand the dead body that launched this story.

This is overall a strong episode, but the Diggle plot drags it down hard. Breaking Diggle out of prison is pure nonsense, and nobody in-universe is raising the obvious point: By indulging in his funk, he's making it easier for the actual criminals to get away with whatever nefarious aims it is they're up to. They're

Unless he is holding a hostage and pinky swears he won't kill him if you do give up your power. Then, of course, you are obligated to hand over your powers. Basic hero 101 stuff.

Barry, it's just as easy to fall in love with someone who isn't your sister.

I just saw this so this comment may never get seen, but just in case: