A song about having sex with underage Japanese girls is a song about having sex with underage Japanese girls!
A song about having sex with underage Japanese girls is a song about having sex with underage Japanese girls!
Man, JLaw and MiTell are gonna KILL their agents for dropping the ball on LaLaLand.
If Thermians evolved from Gorignaks then why do Gorignaks still exist?
That's STILL about having sex with underage Japanese girls.
Remember that song they had about having sex with underage Japanese girls?
Tweens can't get into an R rated comedy, Seth!
Side note: you should watch FNL because everyone should watch FNL.
Those memes aren't even that old.
-Christopher Nolan
This nerdy co-worker of hers kisses her at one point and then starts babbling apologies and says "My god, I raped you with my mouth" and she goes "No."
My friend is Aaron Sorkin.
Yeah, I know, it sounds gross, but see it's a quote from the show that in context is amusing and… yeah, ok, yeah, it sounds gross.
Can they bring Eva Green back?
HBO doesn't have viewership numbers.
How, did you move?