Excitable Misunderstood Genius

maybe it'll be Cumberbatch in short pants and school uniform, like Uma Thurman in the flashback scenes in Kill Bill.

you know I like the idea that there is a rapper out there who is supper particular about how he employs rhyme structures that goes by the moniker Anal Linguist.

not about watching the show, no.

oh no, this one is just a huge warning sign

I like the idea that Midwesterners are elevation-blind, incapable of comprehending anything that doesn't occur at the ground level. Their brain just can't process it.

I wasn't questioning the cause of the statement, just indicating that I had no real problems with the concept.

No, that's when you go to Atlantic City.

nothing is more unrealistic than a 41 year old man being attracted to a 29 year old woman that looks like Allison Williams.

I saw part of an episode. Much of it revolved around the obstacle thrown in the main Girl and Adam Driver's relationship that took the shape of him urinating on her in the shower, and his attempt to apologize involving pasting up posters on walls.

… ok

Hm, I left to college a few days after 9/11 and was not listening to radios. I guess that's why I have no concept of who he is?

hey, that's funny.

It's the first comment, E.

When you go somewhere foreign you drink the drinks you stereotypically associate with the place, duh. Plus if you learn a regional variation on the name for them you order them by that name, and keep calling it that when you return home.

well shit, now I don't even know what I do and don't know about him.

Guys, I know that Ryan Adams ISN'T the guy that sang the robin hood song or summer of '69, but what I don't know is who he IS.

because they are fat or because it's so flat up there that they don't understand changes in elevation?

That's pretty much what four days at an all inclusive resort on the Riviera Maya will run you regardless of music. At a decent place at least.

a thousand times this.

Like @zachandcoke:disqus said, digitize that shit asap.