
Yeah I'm guessing he meant Zola…..I think

I think that's more on Robert than anyone else - remember the debate about the Hand's tourney during season 1 to welcome Ned to Kings Landing

My favorite one-off has to be the hot dog vendor - "Lady…he's putting my kids through college!

As a Buffalonian I enjoyed, far too much, the shoutout to a burb here. Made me follow the character more closely in the series when I realized he was from my area.

Tywin himself told her that in Season 3. Almost verbatim. Good stuff and a great takedown on her character

Weren't they skewering the whole anti-college argument?

One day we were supposed to have the "real" Rudy come to our school and talk to us about, i dunno, overcoming odds or something.

Had the same problem myself. I only could find them in the anthologies and wasn't sure I wanted plunk down cash for those when I was really only interested in one story. Kinda like how record buying used to be.

Should make you feel better! Everyone hates their life!

He's got a Kevin Spacey-like talent for impressions I'd never heard of before, but find absolutely endearing as hell now. What can't this guy do? Found this video linked to one of the others - he's got this stuff down…..

I once asked a lit professor if Eudora Welty was known to be heavy or slovenly or something due to this line. He wasn't amused, but I was genuinely curious.

No, it wasn't

I don't know what I was expecting, but I have to agree - it just didn't do much to make you want to keep reading. I did because I paid for it and there was enough going on where I thought there might be a payoff, but there were very few of any substance.

@sarapen:disqus Did you read a whole book like that or did you just read an exceprt?

Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas FTW

Please. It's getting to be like reddit around here. Someone mentions racism and you have people act like the mere concept is non-existent, while others jump on it to the Nth degree. Why does a celebrity's dumb comment matter to you at all?

Where is the difference between suggesting one must have a life to keep up on 6 hour-long dramas a week (a number that means nothing to me without some evidence that that's how much TV most people watch a week, since and you and I both know it isn't)  and then deriding someone else with the "posting on the Internet is

The point being, @avclub-9d35a522f2110e528ec23ca381e2dcd8:disqus that since they can never guess who is time shifting what show due to all of us, by definition, having "lives", or for how long, they would literally never be able to reference another tv show in a review. Ever. And that seems a tad overkill for a simple

YEah that's the only way you can keep on a tv show - not having a life. Suuuure.

Yeah, the bible also allows me to stone my neighbor for some pretty dumb reasons. Doesn't mean I should do it.