What, the word "pedantic"?
What, the word "pedantic"?
I wouldn't call it sloppy writing. It's commonly accepted in Westeros that nobody breaks guest rights - NOBODY. It's a goddamn big deal. That's what makes this betrayal worse. Were it not for the time-honored tradition which nobody had broken, then yes, poor military decision-making.
I'd be tempted to stop if these reviews toss in phrases like "ferociously bad looking woman" on a regular basis. He makes some good points but undermines them by being petty.
Having spent time over there, I can't think of one person who thinks they are "special" for having read the books. What I've seen is excitement at other people getting to experience this OH SHIT moment, in a very good natured way, and that people are getting a little too worked up over those reactions.
To be fair, I don't think most of these people are bragging about having read books in and of themselves. I actually think they're pleased that this finally aired so the one's like me who didn't say a damn thing can now view the reactions to people who experienced the same event, but via a different medium.
People just don't respect their crafts anymore
I think if he got bored of them he wouldn't have given so many interviews discussing how emotional writing this chapter was for him.
'Cause she may be queen one day?
Not lying: I'm probably more proud of that than anything else I've said over the past year.
Thanks @avclub-8f50b7fdf58e5665147f9dd736502359:disqus - it's what I would have said were I capable of brevity.
I thought I saw jean shorts and assumed it was Tobias up there the first time I saw it. Or perhaps that's what they were trying to get us to think.
Oh god please tell me we're not heading for the Game of Thrones board-route and the necessity to not "spoil" things on these weekly reviews.
Didn't see that one coming at all. For someone who whines a lot of the time about how this season sucked, you sure seem to care a lot about posting about it.
Yes I'm sure Hurwitz just handed over the keys to Cera, didn't edit his work, and didn't make sure it fit into his grand plan for the season. OK.
Don't feed the troll!
I had a friend in high school we called Pussy Hands because he always had his hand in……..well you know. But that's why I think the joke landed so well for me.
I loved the joke about Google when they were explaining what kind of car Michael was driving - how the company that is taking pictures of everyone's private homes wouldn't allow them to use their name.
Great television might have meant that once, but look at the Simpsons and AD - it's about dense, layered humor that you can't possibly get in the first viewing. I am still getting jokes now in the original run and I don't think that makes the original run weaker - it makes it stronger and eminently rewatchable.
@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus there's a difference?
I just thought they were some random day players, so it literally did not affect my enjoyment at all.