
What was the best "original" idea they've successfully filmed lately?

Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Wow. Now the thought of something like an alien coming to Earth to be a do-no-wrong savior actually sounds less plausible than a giant megacity in……Delaware.

Wow. Now the thought of something like an alien coming to Earth to be a do-no-wrong savior actually sounds less plausible than a giant megacity in……Delaware.

If and when they do introduce a human woman green lantern, I would expect much of the same bullshit people are heaping on Miles Morales.

If and when they do introduce a human woman green lantern, I would expect much of the same bullshit people are heaping on Miles Morales.

And how, pray tell, @redgauntlet:disqus do you know what was in the minds of the people at the exact times they came up with the idea for a minority Spiderman and a lesbian Batwoman? How can you be so sure one was financially/demographically motivated and one wasn't?

And how, pray tell, @redgauntlet:disqus do you know what was in the minds of the people at the exact times they came up with the idea for a minority Spiderman and a lesbian Batwoman? How can you be so sure one was financially/demographically motivated and one wasn't?

I'm still quite confused by the whole Marvel Now thing. I get that it's not anything like the New52, but is this essentially some a way to get some makeover into some characters after a big event like AvX, like New 52 spun out of Flashpoint?

I'm still quite confused by the whole Marvel Now thing. I get that it's not anything like the New52, but is this essentially some a way to get some makeover into some characters after a big event like AvX, like New 52 spun out of Flashpoint?

There were spies there, sure, but I wouldn't give him credit for just casting as far-reaching a net as possible and happening to pull in a few commies.

There were spies there, sure, but I wouldn't give him credit for just casting as far-reaching a net as possible and happening to pull in a few commies.

Some of my best friends are white people from the '40s who aren't racist

Some of my best friends are white people from the '40s who aren't racist

That begs the question - has there been a foxier trio of ladies on a single sitcom, before or since?

That begs the question - has there been a foxier trio of ladies on a single sitcom, before or since?

@avclub-c0f8dbb69a6e71545459f9b88e475c47:disqus never mentioned again? You mean like later in the season when Pierce's mom died and Troy found her, or even a season later when Pierce gave Troy the weird gnome that freaked him out, which he knew about because they lived together?

@avclub-c0f8dbb69a6e71545459f9b88e475c47:disqus never mentioned again? You mean like later in the season when Pierce's mom died and Troy found her, or even a season later when Pierce gave Troy the weird gnome that freaked him out, which he knew about because they lived together?

Jay Mohr makes it sound like she is absolutely the worst person in the world. He told a story on his podcast once about a movie they worked on together (I forget which one - if it had Mohr and Aniston it probably wasn't a huge money maker), and how much of an entitled spoiled brat she was.