
If I remember correctly they've been hinting that Lane has been in some sort of financial duress pretty much all season. Even going back to the premiere it seemed Lane had some issue with money - I think in a conversation with his wife about what they could afford. Also, i think there were discussions about affording

@avclub-cb3213ada48302953cb0f166464ab356:disqus there is absolutely no way to say no. i'm not saying it's happened to me often, but that's just one of those things that you kind of have to do. fulfill your obligation as a man.,

@avclub-cb3213ada48302953cb0f166464ab356:disqus there is absolutely no way to say no. i'm not saying it's happened to me often, but that's just one of those things that you kind of have to do. fulfill your obligation as a man.,

Yeah I was actually dreading some long drawn out sequence. The way they handled it was more surprising and didn't induce any cringing.

Yeah I was actually dreading some long drawn out sequence. The way they handled it was more surprising and didn't induce any cringing.

How are we bothering people with our passion? If it truly bothers you so  much, don't read the tweets that have the hashtags that bother you so much about it and don't visit the message boards where you know the fanbase is rabidly in love with the show.

How are we bothering people with our passion? If it truly bothers you so  much, don't read the tweets that have the hashtags that bother you so much about it and don't visit the message boards where you know the fanbase is rabidly in love with the show.

I honestly got choked up a little bit after that, and the last time a movie or TV show did that to me was when Goose died due to Mav's recklessness.

I honestly got choked up a little bit after that, and the last time a movie or TV show did that to me was when Goose died due to Mav's recklessness.

I loved Battletoads but can't seem to identify it in the references above……little help?

I loved Battletoads but can't seem to identify it in the references above……little help?

I dunno, people on other message boards (ESPN, YouTube, Yahoo, CNN) seem to be actively trying to make a big deal out of everyf**kingthing.

"Tragic news tonight: 120 dead in a tidal wave in Kualala-pure. Kuala-lum-per….France!"

"Wait! You didn't learn how World War II ended………….We won!"

"How do you make money off it?"

I watched all of the marvel movies again in the last week leading up to this, and given the three examples we've seen now of how one who has taken the serum (Cap in this and his own movie, Blonsky from Incredible Hulk) can be displayed as enhanced on film, I like this incarnation the best. I hope the director of Cap 2

SHIELD is gonna have to play a larger role in at least one solo Marvel movie while probably staying in the background like the other marvel movies (well, maybe Thor).

There are worse ways to spend a day at work. Like actually working.

"Well, he's kind of had it in for me since I accidentally ran
over his dog. Actually, replace `accidentally' with `repeatedly', and
replace `dog' with `son.'"

My simple solution (which is, to my understanding, illegal in some states) was to purchase one of those cell phone signal jammers that you can carry on your person. Sure, there might be an increase in people looking at their phone every once in awhile to see if their reception is back. But it's still uber satisfying