Sam and Diane made it work since it was a solid three season arc of flirting, dating, broken up. Was she around for 1 or 2 seasons after that? I forgot. It was getting stale but at very least it ended.
Sam and Diane made it work since it was a solid three season arc of flirting, dating, broken up. Was she around for 1 or 2 seasons after that? I forgot. It was getting stale but at very least it ended.
He had at least a few years of pure addiction where he could have said diet and exercise.
Yeah. Still have a problem with that scene. Vir in the television show has way too much of a moral compass to act like a petulant whiny little bitch based on something that G'Kar did that was totally warranted.
Passing through Gethsemene is one of the few B5 shows that gets better in repetition.
Peter David wrote them. They have some good bits in them, but he was always more a journeyman writer than someone who branched out. He could write some good stuff (like Grey Hulk) but he could also write some terrible and clumsy material (like everything after Grey Hulk - especially the issue of Hulk that has "this…
It's true that Sheridan is calling them out for being manipulative dicks after that point but none of that pays off until season 4. Until then, the Vorlons are just an example of using dickish characters as the good guys and suave polite characters as the bad guys.
The ambiguity is in the show. In other material (one of the few times that I actually recommend the books) it is more obvious that the Vorlons just don't care about the Centauri.
In the show it is presented as a metaphor for Londo's death of soul but in one of the books (one of the canonized books), Kosh is thinking about how much he hates the Centauri and how they were fighting with the race that the Vorlons were manipulating.
The endless repetition of "It was on a break" did get funny when Hugh Laurie said it.
So you saw the previews of the show in the summer and then you saw the first couple of episodes. Because after that it was the show that EVERYONE had heard of.
So you're saying that you don't like it?
Oh I can't wait to see what Tumblr says about this. They always have the most intelligent conversations on that platform.
Jon Cryer as Richard Pryor - let's see if we get the same complaints about Hollywood whitewashing from that one.
I tend to say "Mom, you don't HAVE to watch The Bachelor! You own DVDs." a lot.
And they are in an enclosed place and dead all along.
You can always watch The Big Bang Theory.
Ok. Now I have to go back and look at the mural
No he didn't. He was smug and condescending and missed most of the jokes.
It's almost like Hurwitz is being consulted by Stephen Moffat.