Tim Lieder

Well I can point to this review and Rabin's praise of Submarine if I ever want to defend myself from charges of being a drooling Rabin fanboy who thinks that every Rabin article is insightful and intelligence. He can be wrong. 

I was bulimic.

Actually this was one of my favorite movies to watch when I was selling my plasma back in Minnesota. Can't Hardly Wait was the next best one.

I'm sure Rabin changed his mind in the saem way he did with Elizabethtown.

I invented the piano tie!

So did you at least recognize Steve Brust with his hat that he's been wearing since 1976?

House of Mystery and House of Secrets were both titles in which DC tried to do the EC horror line trick of telling short stories with a narrative thread. The Witching Hour was also in that line. The characters being named Cain and Abel provided a wealth of jokes about how they didn't like to visit each other. It was

The Dreaming has its good poitns. Caitlin Kiernan is still a pretty great writer.

Jill Thompson's storybooks are awful.

Anyhow, I remember HATING the Renaissance Festival issue mostly becasue I had worked at a Renaissance Festival for five years and if there was anything more annoying that the RenFests it was the douchey people who went through pointing out the historical inaccuracies.

Every other woman in the movie theater is totally going for Lloyd at this poitn in the movie, but Iona Skye has to prove difficult and just close her shades or whatever she does. There are at least another 30 minutes of Lloyd wandering around and bitching.

No. Dexter does not work better. Everyone is sick of that show.

Sadly, he's out of work. So we might see more of him.

But he's dead now. So it's funny.

Haven't you heard Lupe Fiasco. PResident Obama is totally down with genocide in Gaza. he even sang it over and over again.

No that would be - "Tim McGraw is a song that was written and recorded long before One
Direction was discovered…! Therefore, if the envelope said Harry (I
don't think it did), it was not in reference to 1D's Harry Styles! ;)"

troll - said in fluttershy voice

Or Michael Boatman's God Laughs When You Die?

How soon before the book got tossed to Nathan Rabin for Silly Showbiz Book Club (after all, he is running out of Kiss members with books)

And since we're commenting, anyone want to note that Kamilian was basically killed off because he was too big of a headache for teh special effects guys? Pretty much the only decent explanation since we get one story of "hey, we got a robot that can appear as ANYONE" and then "oops he's dead."